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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. I lasted until the 1:31 mark...the video reminds me of Chris Issac's video for 'Wicked Game', except completley devoid of any sexiness. However, the first two comments on it are worth clicking on the link alone: Comments & Responses
  2. Quite frankly, i'm a busy man and I don't have time to concern myself w/ video of Paris Hilton unless it involves her involved in some sort of sex act...or fighting robots via psychic mindblasts and laser eye beams. Unless, of course, it's a cover of RUN DMC's 'My Adidas' and then i'll watch it on principle.
  3. 'You're very petite...like a potato.' 'The forces of good are our sworn enemy and must be exterminated...and I mean lethally.' That's good stuff.
  4. I'm too lazy, so I use this and it's pretty good:
  5. Sweet! I'll try and get that into the rotation. While we're talking Kung-Fu, i'd like to submit, hands-down, the trailers for the two best films ever made and the best thing i've ever found on youtube: BADASS, BUT NOT AT ALL WORK SAFE. I'm not even joking either.
  6. What's the opening bid on a pic of the cowboy hat and these:
  7. Is this the one where she smokes that Dude's pole in nightvision?
  8. How is that selling out? EDIT: Actually, never mind...the whole 'sell-out' discussion is so played out and I really don't care anymore. Music is a business...I can probably cite a slew of 'indie' bands folks here wouldn't consider sell-outs that I hear at the mall in stores like the Gap or H&M every time I go in there. Then, killer bands like Spoon being used for car commercials. That's good marketing and godd business.
  9. No, but that would make even more badass if it was.
  10. Great song! Ro, I sincerely appreciate the offer, but we do have several CD's of actual classical music (don't ask me which ones exactly) my wife plays during play-time. The Baby Einstein DVD is what we watch with them when we're doing in post-play/pre-nap mode or when we need a few minutes to occupy them while we get something done. Unless you have a DVD of Beethoven and Mozart doing puppetry, etc...then by all means, send it...not for them, but i'd like to watch that. On the subject, I have noticed that a lot of the 'musical' toys we have for them all play (mostly) classical music...
  11. Thanks again to everybody who joined the netmeeting. All products are on schedule and i'll send out a recap by C.O.B.
  12. I'm hosting a net-meeting w/ the engineering team from Brazil in 5 minutes if anybody else is interested in joining.
  13. I know we touched on the Tribe reunion in another thread, but it wasn't 'confirmed' at that time and I couldn't find it to update... Also, while i'd normally never get excited about a freaking video game soundtrack, w/ DTA behind the controls and a stellar bunch of artists on the tracklist, it sounds really interesting...
  14. Muir Woods was one of the best parts of our San Fran vacation two summers ago...way cool.
  15. Definitely. The earlier part of their career, they were of the sort of conscious hip hop/native tongue vein that groups like Tribe Called Quest and De La were a part of. Funny thing, Will I Am is shit hot right now production-wise w/ a lot of hip-hop artists w/ more 'street-cred' like Nas and a few others. Fergie's solo joint, 'London Bridge', while a total Gwen Stefani's 'Hollaback Girl'-lite gets stuck in my head all day long if I catch it while flipping past MTV. Annoying and sophmoric, but catchy...much like the Peas past two albums.
  16. Really!? The tracks i've heard so far are smoking. Man, I hope it's not like the new J5...Nu Mark is fine and all, but losing Cut Chemist really watered down their sound. If you're into sampling/beat-mining instrumental type stuff, Dilla is a legend...interesting stuff.
  17. Trust me...you can't do much better than Baby Einstein. It hypnotizes them. We've only delved into solo Westerberg, Bob Marley, Joe Strummer and the Beatles so far...and that one Rob Base tune, 'It Takes Two'.
  18. Really? That must mean i'll love it. While i'm at it...you heard either the entire Roots or J. Dilla? I'm literally salavating at the mere thought of both.
  19. I keep longing for Mr. S. Wallace to go back to the old school Princeatar or a picture of Rappaport to go along w/ the cartoon bubble.
  20. Word?! I'll have to look out for that.
  21. The majors and the radio stations in their pay have won! Oh no!
  22. good gravy, look at the thread. the bit became played anyhow when he quoted himself, so that's all i got.
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