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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. yeah, you're right...youtube has it, but it's down right now. regardless, like you said, it's still pretty hypocritical.
  2. Just saw this and thought it was funny... ...must have forgot about that stupid Nike commercial they did w/ Agassi around 'Mother's Milk'.
  3. W/out knowing when the bands I want to see are actually playing, I don't think i'll be able to attend. I'd love to see Man or Astroman?
  4. I have no idea what that even means...but, awesome. thanks for weighing in.
  5. I undertand where your coming from, but (as much as I hate going to the dictionary) the 'definition' of art is the 'human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature' and the definiton of craft is pratically synonymous w/ art ('skill in doing or making something, as in the arts; proficiency. See Synonyms at art'). Personally, I think that both are too hard to ascribe a concrete defintion to due to the whole 'eye of the beholder' thing that we've beat to death on here time and time again. If anything, like Beltman said, they're too intertwined to be mutually exclusive
  6. Good to know...i'm bumping it up in the rotation. Gracias.
  7. As the defintion of both is completely subjective, i'm interested to hear the answer to that question as well.
  8. It's in my Netflix que...you watch it yet? How is it?
  9. We received an absolutey saddening call yesterday that the 19-year-old son of Yvette's friend that watches the boys when she goes to work hung himself late yesterday morning. He had become kind of misguided over the past few years, but they never expected this. I just can't comprehend how dark a place someone has gone to when they think that's the only answer. It makes me both insanely sad and angry. Call or go hug your kids, wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend, family, friends, whatever...tell them you love them...tell them no matter how bad things seem that life is full of so many beginnings
  10. The boys are in the other room talking to each other...my guess is that the conversation is going something like this: 'Hey man, when's mom coming home?' 'Dunno. Dude, I don't want to be rude to Dad...but this jumperoo thing is getting boring.' 'Word. I've heard these animal sounds on the exersaucer about 200 times over. Wack.' 'Phew! Damn! Did you beef?' 'Hells yes. Those pureed plums gave me the vapors.' 'What do you say, wanna' start screamin' until we get taken for a stroller ride?' 'That sounds def, yeah. Holla?' 'Holla.' 'BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!'
  11. Last time I was in Vegas, I was almost kicked out of Ghost Bar for knocking over a table doing my Axl Rose impression after seeing Vince Neil across the room. Haven't done it since.
  12. How much for that video and two donuts?
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