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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Is speed racer the chick who digs chicks? well, i don't know how much tail she's pulling down, but if she's into billy ocean numbers i'd like to shake her hand.
  2. For real. Badass. I want to look exactly like that when I hit my 50's, including being black. The only thing more badass, is this picture right here: Cheezy ass?! I bet Billy has gotten more trim than every member of this board combined, including that lesbian chick that posts every so often.
  3. The board crashed for me when I tried to post up w/ a Billy Ocean joke I won't try to explain now, but it did bring this to light... Billy Ocean Today (obviously getting a masters degree in making music that makes ladies drawers drop): Sweet jesus, i thought I was looking at: That reminds me I totally want to see the video for Billy Ocean's 'Loverboy'.
  4. I'm here for you Rich...just like W and Tony Tone Blair, man.
  5. If he would have said that when I met him, I would have fellated him on the spot.
  6. Fuck no, but I dated an absolutely smoking vietnamese chick w/ a drinking problem in college, saw every episode of Giant Robot, Space Giants AND G-Force as a kid, one of my favorite wrestlers was the Great Kabuki and I have the Pink Lady & Jeff DVD boxset.
  7. 'Bacon-wrapped Fellate' That's actually sounds like #49 off of my 'Things i'd like to die during' list.
  8. Do you speak fluent Chinese?
  9. That's right! He didn't seem as magical in person as I thought he would. Then again, I was going pretty gay for the Aluminum Brothers or whatever and wanted to get backstage to get them to sign my right buttcheek and maybe, fellate one of them while they played songs on their iPod. Please apologize to him for me. Damn. Lollapalooza, in it's prime, was a whole mess of fun. That effing sod fight during Ministry that Ron brought up a while back, was still one of the most amazing things i've ever seen. Pure bedlam.
  10. I pieced most of tracks for both together via Kazza Lite a while back when Uyen first got me into them. However, I just noticed I can get the whole magilla on iTunes for $9.99 and I still have a lot b-day gift card money on my account.
  11. For that hour and a half, it really is. Really. I think i'll sleep in tomorrow. Do you speak fluent Chinese?
  12. I know what I saw and i'm sticking to my story. I also saw a dude on acid or something plant a Doc Martin onto some poor girl's face two rows up for us, resulting in a swarm of guys, including myself, bum rushing the guy until security game and grabbed him. Plus, that picture of the jewish girl reminded me how dissapointed I am that there are no known nudes of that underage jewish girl that turned getting banged by Jerry seinfeld into a lucrative business designing purses or swimsuits or whatever.
  13. As part of my new gig, I have to lead a conference call w/ engineers in Asia every Tuesday night from 9-10:30PM. Super.
  14. Cheeky. Back to the original subject, Tip did indeed perform w/ the Beasties when I saw them. It was awesome.
  15. okay, I did actually meet ron cey and gave him a jar of my Grandad's homemade BBQ sauce...in exchange for Cubs tickets. I got all caught up in pee and howard dean's lie about seeing ATCQ at Lollapalooza together, but i'll come clean now.
  16. Remember?! I see it every time I drink a bottle of tequila. Now, I also want to listen to Anthrax's 'Among the Living' and watch asian porn. Damn.
  17. Jorge was the second person from this message board I ever met and everybody else thought his buddy was me before introductions were made. I have yet to meet his cousin, who is, quite frankly, a genius.
  18. We used to quote that guy ad naseum in high school. He was also on the cover of Anthrax's 'Among the Living' album, which garnered additional street cred w/ us as well. Which now reminds me that I want to see both Poltergeist II and Stephen King's The Stand mini-series again.
  19. It's their first album and second EP reissued, both were out of print.
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