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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. yeah, when you get into thin crust relative to the chicagoland area...you are most likely going to get a million different favorites from everybody. that said, if i were to submiy my favorite thin-crust, it'd be Pat's. it used to be on sheffield over by the Vic, but i see that it's moved...showsa how long it's been since i've been to a show there.
  2. lou malnati's. it's more of a suburban thing, but i've had a lot of the 'downtown' pizzas and still think it holds it's own. giordano's is good too, uno's is alright (but not as good as it's ballyhooed to be).
  3. Dead on, especially the very last sentence...except maybe w/ the caveat 'firmly pro-choice after you have exhausted all other choices and realize exactly how irresponsible you've been to get pregnanant in the first place'. The XX% effectiveness of a condom does not make it okay for abortion to be considered an alternate type of birth control. It's easy to make this one of those hardline us/them political issues on paper, but the reality is that there is so much more involved than just a right to choose and a lot of choices that were afforded to someone prior to choosing to go through with it
  4. a healthy 24 month old fetus isn't a person...it has a brain, heart, organs, is a few months shy of coming out of the womb where then you would be consider it a person? who said that it was? my point was that, it is really the only instance where a woman had no choice in becoming pregnant and carries with it a whole different rationale that i can truly empathize with in the context of making a choice to go this route. again, i'm pro-choice...it's just that i'm not so quick to dimiss the numerous choices before it and, personally, one that i could not go through with. it has nothing to d
  5. I just don't see how it is good for the mother, the baby or society in general for a woman to become pregnant w/ a child she does not want to have. again, a 24 month old fetus (really, at that point: baby) would likely have some challenges, but it could survive and have a chance at a life...that opportunity seems better for the baby than death, yeah? quick side question, bjorn: do you support the death penatly?
  6. okay, first off, you act like in EVERY case the mother had no involvement w/ that child being inside her, that someone FORCED her to be pregnant. i understand that there are certain scenarios (rape for example) where what you are saying becomes a more viable point and i have no issue whatsoever...but (hopefully) it's more of a rare occurence than not. does a white baby have more of a chance at adoption than any other? i'm sure that's the case...but that doesn't equate to a ZERO chance for one that isn't. at least there is a possibility...by aborting it, not so much. plus, we're talking 24
  7. yes, don't include them or burn to a CD and re-import them as mp3.
  8. Clump of cells?! That's 1,032 abortions done at 24 weeks of age...the age a fetus could survive outside of the womb.
  9. 1,032 seems like a lot if you subscribe to one innocent person being wrongly detained is worse than letting 10 guilty go free. bjorn, that 'what about the other stuff' was for jnick...although, i am interested to hear you responses on the whole no uterus, no say thing.
  10. whole other argument, but the embryo/fetus/whatever came about from both mother and father...you are making the whole decision based upon where a child is carried, not the child itself. isn't it both? to be clear, i'm not saying that ron paul should decide for a woman...but to say 'anyone lacking a uterus shouldn't even be involved in the discussion about abortion' is ludicrous. what about the father of a pregnant teen as another example? plus, i don't get how the father has no say whether the mother should or should not have a baby...but if she does, he's expected to support it.
  11. the dude's dog. it's a great bit, you've really missed something.
  12. first off, i'm amazed you brought this topic back into this particular thread. secondly, you refuse to throw adoption into the mix and embryo donation to fertility clinics into the mix whenever you bring it up.
  13. if doug was forced to make a decision between saving a petri dish full of embryos and a 1 year old, what would he do?
  14. c'mon. if you're going to say i'm 'materialistic' because i 'worry' about my (more importantly, may family's) financial well-being and that i can't be concerned w/ the enviornment as well...that's nuts and, again, you are making this a clear-cut black/white scenario. even though it may not be to the degree that you want to see and, most likely, where it needs to continue to improve to...are you implying that we are not a more enviornmentally conscious society than we were even 5-10 years ago?! consumption will go up as populations increase...throw some tangible facts at me on exactly how muc
  15. that's horrible. seriously, things like that can happen fucking anywhere. scares the shit out of me.
  16. matt, my comments weren't really directed just at you...but really, let's call a spade a spade and wade throug hte countless # of posts on certain issues here where there are a lot of non-BB types arguing that they want the government to stay out, and then demand the govt get involved when it suits them. high horses w/ conflicting ideals based on personal wants/needs exist on both sides of the fence, yeah? going to need you to explain that one further...
  17. they are also employed by them. it's not just a big skyscraper w/ one giant boardroom and nothing but corner offices populated by old guys smoking cigars in three-piece suits...there are a lot of good 'regular' people, not all of them rolling in dough, that work for various 'big businesses'. it's so easy to make these things soooo black and white, us vs. them. life, no matter how you want to look at it...isn't like that. frankly, just saying 'c'mon gang, let's get creative and show some civic duty' isn't a plan either...if you have that much of a problem, YOU be creative and pony up some rea
  18. i actually like snow...i just hate getting up at 5AM to shovel 500 lbs. of it.
  19. the accessibility to all this music is both a blessing and a curse...i think it's shortened attention spans (including mine), due it becoming more disposable in nature. i mean, if you took the time to go out and buy a physical album/tape/CD...most of the time, you'd give it numerous spins whether you initially liked it or not. sometimes, it clicked for you and becomes one of your favorites. i find myself giving less time to certain albums that don't sound good to me from first listen...it's too easy to click 'delete' on an album i'm most likely test-driving to see if i actually want to purch
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