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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. if you would have put the wilson sisters as a BOGO/two-fer...i would have thought about it for a few minutes more...and i'd let juice newton watch.
  2. ill take at least one of them...but would prefer to go to one of the shows you'll actually attend.
  3. yeah, in case i don't get an opportunity to jump on there...anybody who has an extra ticket they want to sell if they buy extra, let me know. in this case, you won't even have to liquor me up to get me to put out.
  4. thanks. i read about that movie last night, but i had no idea...looks incredible. thanks for the heads up on both counts.
  5. tully, you may have told me to check it out earlier, but what's your take on the DC New Frontier series. I was out xmas shopping last night and saw a BEAUTIFUL bound version of the entire thing at the bookstore... I always admired the style of his work on what I saw of that Batman Beyond series, but this really amped up my interest. A little Kirby-esque w/ a whole additional classic retro aesthetic. That said, curious if the story was any good too.
  6. no, no...i still check a lot of stuff out i hear about on here. it's just when there are numerious threads about how a band is the second-coming or whatever, for some reason...i tend not to check them out until months later. don't know why, just how it is.
  7. i may have to pop in on one of these shows...i haven't seen them at all since the AGIB tour.
  8. you know how the VC hype machine more often scares me off checking shit out than anything, but i'm currently listening to that Bon Iver album and i'll be damned if isn't downright gorgeous sounding.
  9. seemingly, neither do my kids. :monkey
  10. yeah, kind of...except i won't let either of my kids get their hands on this one.
  11. i joined sometime a few months before the IATTBYH doc was going to be released on DVD.
  12. could be. all i know is that it adds a lot of fun to reading it...i guess each of the premiums included are tied to a specific era in it's history.
  13. awesome. i'll have to look for that. i think i still have a copy of this somehwere: ...w/ the Man Thing in the Chewie role. Good stuff.
  14. costco, my man...you can pick up a 2 ton cannister of mayo while you are there as well.
  15. this is some good old fashioned power pop. nicely done!
  16. Tully, i know you are a DC guy, but i'd be remiss if i didn't give you a heads up on an excellent x-mas gift i'll be receiving. the family and i were picking up some tonnage at costco and I found this for $29 (normally $49): 'The Marvel Vault: A Museum-in-a-book With Rare Collectibles from the World of Marvel' this thing is awesome. i looked through one and it's beautfully done...each of the 'trinkets' are organized and enclosed in flat plastic pouches to kepp them in good shape, etc. i wanted to dive into it yesterday, but it's getting wrapped and put under the tree. dude...$29,
  17. for the record, the thing that threw me about the Imo's...i could handle the crust and i could handle the cheese...but the sauce reminded me of ketchup. but I think kate hit the nail on the head, if i didn't consider it pizza...it wasn't that bad.
  18. i'm in charge of dinner while the wife is at her work holiday party...so we're having a frozen home run inn pizza. suasage. thin crust. plus, steamed vegetables and applesauce. big. pimpin.
  19. it's actually pretty cool...it arrives next day in dry ice and you just pop in your freezer or fix right away. i have sent a few to my grandfather downstate over the years and various clients/suppliers for work. chicago is unmatched in the beef sandwich department. period.
  20. a debate as timeless as the dish itself. i do enjoy a good NY-style slice...but it ain't the same. respectfully.
  21. not at all. as a deep dish enthusiast, my definition of 'thin-crust' pizza is a lot different than that. kate will chime in w/ the st. louis favorite of Imo's at some point, if she didn't already earlier on...that's more in line w/ what you are talking, tully. i'd never testify to it in a court of law, but the few times i ordered Imo's when i lived down there...i actually didn't hate it.
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