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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. that reminds me, when are you coming over to the studio to pose? i've got the turqoise encrusted beanbag and x-large bag of dum dums as you requested. he'll love it!
  2. nothing wrong w/ sharing and i went through a short period of smarter-than-thou atheism (in college, shocker) that came to an abrupt halt upon seeing several things in relation to family/personal illness and death. it most definitely helped...in a big way that science couldn't. doesn't make one better or worse than the other...that's just how it was for me.
  3. at least on par on w/ 'Howling at the Moon (Sha-La-La)'
  4. c'mon man...that sarcastic post was TRUTH. man.
  5. 'this is a lot of shit, you know that.' 'c'mon fellas, you're losing your head!'
  6. fuck ction, that shit is at least as good as 'pet semetary'.
  7. you aren't listening to it the right way. try it again.
  8. Hands down, no doubt. My proudest musical moment was providing him w/ the track 'Socko the Smallest Snowball' by the bell sisters. a track that was also his brother's nickname and one it seemed he never knew existed. his mixes rule in general, pretty much...the x-mas bag of tricks though, wow.
  9. best orson welles performance EVER. 'get me a jewelry and show me how you can say IN july and i'll go down on you.'
  10. okay, i thought so...just didn't get why.
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