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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. 2006 Report Page 4...rose from $47.8 to $48.2.
  2. jnick, you make some solid points. for the record, my stance in no way takes into account nor applies to such horrible areas globally like Darfur...i'm speaking more US-centric. that said, while i agree w/ a better living wage and some level of corporate reform, i don't think i'm overstating the issue of entitlement at all. it's that sense of entitlement that creates a huge divide from said 'greatest generation' from today. not all, but a lot of people are spending less time taking care of themselves and spending more time clamoring for someone to take care of them, let alone ascribe to any
  3. going back to earlier examples of McCartney and professional atheletes...as i've stated before, do you guys really have an understanding of how much any of those folks HAVE given to those less fortunate over the years via their own donations, benefit work and community programs? i'm all for helping those who are less fortunate than I, but helping someone doesn't always entail doing everyting FOR them...but focusing on getting them to a state of being able to help themselves so they can do things FOR themselves. a scenario has to be figured out that doesn't keep people shackled to their dispa
  4. i'm always fascinated by these things, so i'm in but have no idea how that whole thing works.
  5. well, at least jnick is coherent and well-written enough to argue with. play the capitalist game! THE SYSTEM, MAN!
  6. oh, i know...it just seemed funny that you'd even ask. granted, the discussion morphed from a discussion about the shining example of sigur ros in the world of capitalism to different things, but it's all still interrelated w/ the issue of commerce/entertainment and fun to argue about. ditto.
  7. we will go out for an early dinner to somplace semi-nice, put the kids to bed and watch a movie. one of the two of us will wake up prior to midnight to give the other a kiss on the way to bed.
  8. j nick, one other thing, in the thread about the writer's strike, you stated that you were 100% behind the writer's demands and rationale for the strike...isn't the amount of money that the writers are paid, it's the percentage that they receive when their products are sold or distributed. how is it that youre 100% for that concept and not backing the same thing for an athelete? are TV writers more important than plumbers? the advertsing revenue generated from TV shows that this requested % comes out to is conceivably more than a nurse or the humble garbageman makes...isn't that wrong?
  9. okay, replace the world series w/ the Super Bowl and for worldwide appeal of professional atheltics, change it w/ the World Cup...
  10. 'Your revolution is over, Mr. Lebowski. Condolences. The bums lost. My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?'
  11. of course...the tens of thousands coaches, organizational/front office employees, stadium crews, merchandise manufacturers and employess of surrounding businesses to ballparks would be just fine. and never mind the sense of community that a common bond over a sports team can provide in cases like the New Orleans Saints near-playoff birth to the city they represent. sports, in some cases, unifies people in a way that is on par or even rivals art. and let's not delve deeper into that 1994 strike to see the financial implications to those aforementioned employees or the money spent on marketi
  12. and don't kid yourself that overall sports viewship leans so heavy towards males... in 2004, Average broadcast ratings among women dropped 18 percent from a 2.37 to a 1.94 rating per week. Ratings for women watching basic cable sports fell 44 percent from a 0.18 rating to a 0.10. in 2004, Average broadcast ratings fell 9 percent from a 4.09 to a 3.71, and cable ratings were down 36 percent from a 0.39 to a 0.25. not that huge of a disparity in overall ratings averagesand the only reason it dipped so much at the time of this report, was due to lack of significantly skilled stars in the f
  13. nor would thousands of people fill a stadium or millions tune in on TV to watch a guy install a toliet. see the difference?
  14. hmmm, i'll put it in the que...w/ caution.
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