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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. i've got a spiewak messenger bag i've put through the ringer for close to 8 years now. i bought a brand new DJ bag to replace it from ubiquity records a year ago and still haven't been able to bring myself to switch. i've used a timbuk 2 bag in the past and it held up pretty well too.
  2. 'We can't hold our tongues at the top of our lungs.' 'The ones who love us best are the ones we'll lay to rest And visit their graves on holidays at best. The ones who love us least are the ones we'll die to please If it's any consolation, I don't begin to understand them.'
  3. yeah, last night's episode was not nearly as entertaining/exciting as i thought it would have been...it seemed kind of sloppy and flat.
  4. SOME Muslims need to chill out, my guess is a larger % are like...
  5. It was. THAT show makes me think of THIS and that show makes me think of .
  6. they finally released 'Monster Squad' on DVD back in August...i put it in my que today.
  7. again, i'll probably vote for her over the GOP if it's my only choice...but her name on the ballot seems to me to be a guranteed victory for a the Republican candidate.
  8. i love snakebites, but the proper mix is Harp and Cider. that new belgium Mothership Wit is good...i got crocked off many pints of their winter seasonal (2 Below Ale) and the 1554 Brussels Style Black Ale on thanksgiving 'supervising' my bro-in-law frying the turkeys outside. went through half a Sam adams Holiday pack cleaning up leaves in my yard today...Winter ale, Cranberry Lambic and Old Fezwig's. ND: Sierra Mist Cranberry w/ tylenol chaser
  9. I've only seenthem called Gondolas at a place called Avanti's down central ILL way...and, BTW, they are my favorite sandwich in all the land. It's the bread...it's a very soft, sweet sub roll done w/ a recipe that i've never seen duplicated. They have Avanti's in Peoria and Bloomington...i've never seen one in Champaign, but they may have opened one there. The son of the owner got married and opened up one near my work in Liberyville up north here, but it closed shortly after I discovered it due to a divorce or something.
  10. grandpa's homemade oyster stuffing and my bro-in-law is frying our bird this year...my curiousity is piqued.
  11. yeah. i have a hard time w/ McDonald's...but that McRib is a ruthless bitch.
  12. i like the CANSEI DE SER SEXY song. that's all i got.
  13. yes. i used to love to go there as a kid...they had the coolest kids meals EVER. i have no recollection of the food though.
  14. jimmy john's started out very regional to Illinois...the original is Charleston, IL and for the first few years of going to school there, it was the only one in existence. i lived on those sandwiches in college and still have them on a regular basis. i voted for taco bell. i saw the documentary 'meat' in college and i can still wolf down a burger w/ little to no remorse. and, speaking of burgers, i worship at the altar of steak'n'shake (original in my hometown of Normal, IL)...there is no finer meal than a double w/ cheese, fries (w/ the Heinz pepper/vinegar stuff and ketchup) and a bean cro
  15. YES. I didn't see the edited version in the theatre, but if they added in more of that...jesus. I'm going to give Planet Terror a try, as a completist move I guess.
  16. you really think he wasn't trying to mimic? seemed that way to me, but i may have been a little too bored, didn't pay that much attention and i'm always interested to hear your take, B.
  17. yeah, that pretty much sums up the genre...there was a certain aesthetic though, that when it was done well, produced some pretty interesting films. i think Q has always had little elements of the genre in his work, but (again) the attempt at a full guns movie of similar ilk just fell flat.
  18. finally watched 'death proof' over the weekend and walked away pretty dissapointed. i think that Q tried a little too hard to capture the exlpoitation cinematic vibe in this and it just ended up painfully contrived to me. the tail end of the movie was kind of fun and, well, kurt russell rules. the rest of it just kind of dragged for me. i think part of the fun of the genre of movies grindhouse waa trying to pay hommage to, is that (in a lot of cases) they weren't purposely trying to be funny and that made them all the more entertaining. 'trying really good at being so bad it's good' seems ha
  19. Me wonderful wife and these guys: My Ma, Pa, Sister, Brother, nephews, In-laws and (especially) my Grandfather. My non-electronic friends and e-blood brothers (charles, peter). Music. Film. Books. Art. Beer. Beer. Beer. Good Food. Beer. and, life. It's a gift, plain and simple...a gift never to be taken granted and as long as I have it, everything else is gravy.
  20. man, they make a GREAT amber...this is cool news.
  21. Great episode. Dear TV Writers, please stop striking soon...this show is getting too good again to be cut off at the knees.
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