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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. whoa, i'm in no way reccomending you rent that flick...if it comes up on cable and you have absolutely nothing better to do, then check it out. i thought i'd hate it too, the trailers looked horrible...but it wasn't as bad as Little Nicky. also, i did see the trailer for the signal...i think before the host. looks extremely interesting.
  2. Way better than Boston Public...it's fun, you'll at least get a kick out of it as an educator. I've seen Big Daddy no less than 20 times and it has made me laugh each time i watch it...but i'm a sucker for dumb. I have not, but i'll look into it.
  3. okay, first off, fuck off (respectfully) for telling me what i think and don't think about or trying to make me feel guilty about the life i was born into. you are damn right i took what means were afforded to me and built upon that...but it in no way means i didn't have to do my part to work to get to where i am. my thinking is about providing a comfortableand stable life for my family and yes, enjoying life in the process. if you look back at my posts, i stated my issue is w/ those who CAN work harder and choose not to. obviously, your examples don't qualify. plus, several of the products
  4. nobody in sigur ros can spit blood and breathe fire either...so fuck them.
  5. see, i don't want or need your sympathy...i like working hard and having something to show for it. why should your view about how everybody live be what i want? somebody somewhere has to make a decision and i'd like to have the freedom to make my own. i don't want to live in a world where everybody is the same or, quite frankly, equal. you preach about people living well above how they need to...but you are removing the fact that some people are just fine to live how they want to. one man wants a mansion and another is cool w/ a small cabin the woods. both are cool w/ coexistence...that's a
  6. Beltman, We watched an indie movie over the weekend called 'Chalk'...it was kind of a stab at being a version of The Office except it took place /w teachers and adminstrators in a High School. It was marginally funny...but if you were a HS school teacher, you might get a bigger kick out of it. We also saw that Chuck and Larry movie where Sandler and the King of Queens pretend to be gay. It was marginally funny...but if you were gay or 16 years old, you might get a bigger kick out of it. I'm also curious about how your feeling about that upcoming movie version of SK's The Mist...I think i
  7. other humans have a right to better life over others. there. i can say it loud and proud. do you think that someone who works their ass off at what they do doesn't have the right to live a btter life than someone who can and chooses not to? do you think the only people abusing capitalism are the ones who are making money for doing something? how about those making money for doing nothing? you said earlier that instead of pointing the finger at others in society we need to start looking in the mirror...but you are pointing fingers and blaming 'the system' and/or the dark-cloaked villan 'cap
  8. 'The System' AKA 'The Man'...we chide our current administration for having put a face to things like terrorism when we do so ourselves to have someone to blame for all of our ills. pffft. whatever. becoming a legitimate victim of something beyond your control versus laying down an making yourself one...that's a bigger problem than capitalism 100X over. the victim mentality and self-imposed oppression being perpetuated by way too may folks that do have legitimate control over their own well-being and destiny is scarier to me than the age old concept of supply and demand. if i truly thought
  9. exactly. if people are actually buying the albums and tickets at those prices, who's to blame?!
  10. it all comes back to the reality that life is FULL of sacrifices/compromises/personal changes and using an outdated phrase like 'sell out' is silly as hell. i would love a career as a writer, but my desire to have a family and support them outweigh that desire. that's my personal compromise and everybody, including artists should be able to do the same in whatever ways are applicable to their life. it's like jnick getting a call from jeff tweedy and telling him how to live his life.
  11. i completely agree that holding them to a different set of standards that shackle them to some antiquated concept of art being above commerce or mutually exclusive from it is crazy. but when you say they should make exactly the same as me or anyone else for that matter, i stop agreeing w/ you there. someone who puts forth more effort than someone else or works harder than someone who doesn't work at all...they shouldn't recognize anything for that? so then you are saying that anybody who tries to further themselves financially is a sell-out? a guy puts in extra hours of overtime or goes for
  12. *cough*bullshit copout*cough* I have no idea what that last sentence even means.
  13. Talk about calling bullshit...one can't improve their financial worth and still be a humanitarian?! Every single one of those artists you've listed have done numerous benefit-related work and contributed large sums of $ to worthwhile causes. Plus, 90% of the 'real people' are out there trying to make more money as much as the next guy. Law of the jungle.
  14. sounds solid to me...really suggest picking up that full Mats book that just came out: 'All Over but the Shouting'. couldn't put it down.
  15. yeah, funny stuff. the KKBBQ stuff was kind of cool, but i really like his stuff w/ the shrines...perfect blend of funk, soul and garage rock.
  16. I read the 'Mats one...it had very little to do w/ the actual album and while I hate Collin Meloy, it was still a really cool read about his personal education in music and how it shaped his life. the album kind of served as a catalyst to a much bigger tale. didn't read the radiohead one yet.
  17. anybody know how the move to this actually being on Friday nights affected it's ratings? we had a big discussion on good TV over at my fratboy alumni message board and a lot of the guys thought it was crazy to move a show about high school football to a night where people most interested in high school football are watching real high school football. i extoled it's virtues, but they still thought it was crazy.
  18. Fantastic. Those are two really good ones to start with...take a look at the list, see which others pique your interest for a third choice and i'll tell you if i've read them or not.
  19. yeah, i'm a total fanboy over his radio show...his dahlfins stuff can be a little too Jimmy Buffet for my tastes, but it should still be a good time. i mean, it's free live music at a bar w/ an incrediblley robust beer menu and w/in walking distance for god's sake. the only perfect storm that could sound better than a bash for laurie's.
  20. i seriously don't know how i missed this back in may...what a fun album.
  21. since you are just recently digesting 'doolittle', i reccomend the 33 1/3 on that album...it's actually one of the most solid and well put-together of them i've read so far.
  22. i still have no idea what you're talking about...compromise isn't always done w/ a choice of making it. my original point is real people, including musicians/artists, make certain compromises everyday...it's impossible not to and some may even be unintentional. other words, i don't always see compromise as a bad thing, it's reality and don't think artists should be held to a different standard of it than you or I. and, i meant that the act of making art has nothing (or really shouldn't have) anything to do w/ someone else's definition of what's essential. if your goal is to make music and pl
  23. good as of a place to give heads-up: 'Buy 2 Get 1 Free! For a limited time, buy two new (not used or sale) books from Continuum Books' 33 1/3 series, featuring critical writing on seminal albums, and get a third free.' @ Powells.com As i'm collecting the buggers, I stocked up proper.
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