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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. i'll go so far to say that i think five roses is going to come in at the top spot. canada does seem to be a hot bed of good indie rock and strip clubs. and garage rock loving milfs.
  2. i enjoyed it enough to be interested to see what a full-fledged album is going to sound like...that tune 'A-Punk' was catchy as hell, i enjoyed the others in a reheated 'graceland' sort of way.
  3. In no order: Miracle Fortress - Five Roses Spoon - Ga Ga (etc.) Band of Horses - Cease to Begin Mobius Band - Heaven Stars - In Our Bedroom After the War and my guess is that the list will be rounded out w/ Voxtrot, The National, The Cult, Panda Bear and Ohmega Watts.
  4. yeah, that was a barnburner of an episode and good call, tully.
  5. I watch stardog have sex with LeRoy in all my dreams.
  6. our family's chili recipe isn't anything out of the ordinary...however, i highly recommend using Fat Tire if you put beer in yours. i was using Berghoff dark, like I do w/ beef stew, but the fat tire is perfect for chili.
  7. actually, it was thread discussing the jamming of cellphone signals...and the Friday the 13th movies. i get your point and don't disagree with how annoying cellphone users can be. i just think people that think they should be completely done away with and/or jamming is cool are hilarious.
  8. did you see Freddy vs. Jason? *shudder* The first three films are all vintage 80's horror and II was pretty good...something about the 3-D one just has a soft spot in my heart.
  9. Jason Lives, totally...but III-D is the best of all.
  10. yep. maybe the godzilla comparison isn't completely fair either...it was visually stunning in a non-monster movie way as well.
  11. my point is that the people talking loudly are more of the issue than the phone. are you just as annoyed by people holding loud conversations in public w/out a phone just as annoying?
  12. it's a fun listen...i've enjoyed a lot more than their last few albums.
  13. again, you forgot laptops and the WWW. plus, you keep harping on the 'convenience' aspect of cellphones while completely eschewing the safety aspects of it as well...as an EMT w/ such value of human life, i'd think you would appreciate them a little more.
  14. finally watched 'the host' saturday night. loved it in the way i loved some of the classic godzilla flicks...a lot of fun.
  15. Not directed at Edie, but that's what makes this thread kind of funny...people who spend an insane amount of their time on the internet or iPods bitching about people spending a suppsedly insane amount of time on their cellphone. at least the people on the cellphones are actually having verbal contact w/ somebody else.
  16. someone should envelope the world in a cone of silence.
  17. No, that's before we actually started and they did not want to stand still for a picture. Yeah, they definitely look like brothers...but that pic is deceptive, they're pretty different.
  18. what do you suggest for people talking in theatres aloud WITHOUT cellphones? mandatory muzzles? somebody talks too loud during a movie on a cellphone or not...my solution is to tell them to kindly shut the fuck up.
  19. bought it Saturday! going to dive into it tonight after Heroes.
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