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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. i would never disagree that there is a golden era of hip-hop and that we're definitely not in it right now. i guess i just get amazed when anybody holds what MTV shows or mainstream radio plays as a baseline for particular music genre's merit or relevancy. that's like saying 'rock music is dead' after seeing a good charlotte video. can you cite another popular NON-HIP HOP artist that is as politically chagred and relevant as PE was? as far as artists TODAY that, while perhaps not as culturally/politically relevant as artists like PE, i would consider just as musically exciting, relevant and
  2. absolutely, judy. our entire political system has become so entrenched in special interest groups and big business, no candidate (republican, democrat or independent) can promise any overnight successes relative to ANY of the issues...which is why I find myself not jumping right in and blindly following a particular party* as i have done so many election years prior. *Democrat
  3. I don't see how wanting the best possible heathcare I can get for my family as a first priority and working my ass off in what you would call a shitty, souless, saurian (sorry, had to add it) suit job to do so, is doing anything but thinking w/ my heart. You've made a choice to prioritize fulfillment in your career choice/lifestyle and it's great you have a medical infrastructure to support that...I guess I don't find it any less great that I can do the same w/out it (and, honestly, I can't remember the last time I wore a suit). It's great to hear two personal accounts on how a universal sy
  4. oh, totally. they've always been like that for me...i really, really enjoy them in small doses.
  5. did you watch that hip hop honors on vh1? i think his album was okay, but i about vowed to never listen to him again for the complete lack of respect for who he was 'honoring'. he's good, but not tribe good. no disrespect B, but i can also think of 10 independent/underground hip hop artists i'd call 'the truth' over lupe. true hip hop isn't played...a majority of mainstream major label rap is played.
  6. judy, did you have private healthcare prior to the universal? if so, would you say that there were any differences, positive or negative, in the medical attention you received?
  7. thanks. can any of our canadian contingent fill me in on how it works there, if the care is as good as they received before and how it's been holding up financially? if i have a choice, i guess it really doesn't matter. i'm all for everyone having some level of coverage, but i'm still completely unsold it can be done in a financially solvent way that still provides adequate support. i really hope i'm wrong.
  8. What if I like my healthcare plan, think it does a great job taking care of my family and don't want to see it change? That's what i'm worried about. Did the quality of the overall healhcare system change to accomodate everyone? While I really do want everyone to be covered, I don't feel bad in saying that my first priority is to insure that my family gets the best care possible. In the universal scenario, can I still pay for different heathcare if I don't like the 'universal' care offered?
  9. ...which is in my top 3 favorite U2 albums AND i'm an 'oldster.'
  10. yeah, that would change things a little bit. we had two high schools in town...i did not go to the 'black one'. we had maybe 10 black kids in my graduating class. still listened to a lot of hip hop too though.
  11. i actually got what he was saying as it described my HS to a tee, except the perceived cool kids listened to REM and U2...the ones that were already going to college parties before they were in college, etc. i actually listened to it all...my stereo's nightly playlist could have consisted of the cure, anthrax, naked raygun, REM...in that order.
  12. the wife loves these guys, so i DL'ed the new album for her only to discover i kind of like it too. okay, actually, i kind of like it a lot.
  13. i actually got excited about the film, before going to check out the comic. the full trailer just looked soooo creepy good.
  14. No pussy. No God. Nothing but a crazy looking mustache. No wonder he was so angry.
  15. hell yes. it's been on my list since seeing the trailer a month ago. i won't be able to see it this weekend though.
  16. what made it new wave? did it come w/ a devo hat?
  17. i actually reconnected w/ that song on the drive to be there for my grandpa's surgery. the other one still blows.
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