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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. there you go. well put. it's amazing to me how hard it is for some people to just tune other folks out or just politely ask somebody to stop something if you find what they're doing is that intrusive. say what you want, cell phones have saved enough lives that i think they'd be worth putting up with. again, versus holding people accountable for being rude in their use of the device...let's just save them from themsleves and jam them. jesus.
  2. yvette will only listen to XRT if the radio is on, but i really don't tune in that ofter anymore. still the best thing going music-wise in chicago radio by far, but it did lose something when it went to predominatly a playlist driven scenario.
  3. and the answers will probably be just as hilarious.
  4. wasn't always that way. they were locally owned until '95 or '96.
  5. ...because she has a large lead in the polls?
  6. while i'm down for free speech, even when i don't agree with what's being said. demonstrating against homosexuality, at such a private moment as a funeral (for somebody who isn't even gay nonetheless)...no different than someone waltzing right into your house and doing the same. besides all that, it's just ghoulish and completely insensitive.
  7. yeah, it's scary how long the XRT staff has remained virtually unchanged...and, unfortunately, part of their problem.
  8. whether i agree w/ the rationale behind it or not, clinton is so polarizing to a lot folks on both sides of the fence. i will likely vote for her, should she get the nod, but her candidacy is a gurantee of another four years of a republican administration. not even because she's a woman...but moreso that she's hillary clinton. there is a legitmate opportunity to capitalize on the droves upon droves of foibles that have occured under republican watch for the last 8 years and actually get people to vote on legitimate performance and issues...but her persona will overshadow that. obama/troy 2
  9. Bababooey. it's really kind of funny, that up until he hit his stride in chicago on CKG, that howard had such a tough time catching on in the chicago market. people in chicago have always seemed to want their radio personalities to be local and had such an aversion to just listening to what was popular in other bigger markets. they may have left/switched timeslots and come back...but come monday, the morning landscape will be Jonathon Brandmeier, Eddie and JoBo, Steve Harvey, Lin Brehmer, Tom Joyner, Don and Roma and Kathy Hart (now of Eric & Kathy). a lot of those are local and the sa
  10. he'll be the only live on-air personality...it'll go back to all music after his show is over each morning. the format was getting killed in morning drive figures.
  11. yeah, i get the train of thought now and just find it a huge stretch...at the height of it's popularity, when the disco sucks movement was at full steam, it was hardly just a gay/black thing...even KISS did a disco song. it's origins are a moot point. honestly, i was way too young to give a shit about disco when that all happened, let alone wear a t-shirt. i was at the age where i liked just about everything. but, knowing the history behind it...the whole thing is a lot less nefarious than a racist/homophobic deal...savvy radio guy picks a piece of popular culture and makes fun of it to a hu
  12. as much as i love nile rodgers...of course he is going to say that, that stunt nearly took away his bread and butter. but the sheer factor that there was such a diverse range of both race and sexual orientation of the people who both made and enjoyed the music/lifestyle...how could it really just be targeting black, gays, etc.? doesn't wash for me, but that's me.
  13. multi-cultural, flamboyant and (in most cases) BAD. knowing his rock roots, at least in dahl's case, i think it was more about how much he disliked the music. that said, i guess i could see how somebody would interpret it that way...as ludicrous as it sounds.
  14. i don't follow the racism and homophobia undercurrent...but i'm interested to hear you elaborate.
  15. i completely agree. i do think there is a legitimate creepiness to the flick stylistically...one that you can kind of see may have inspired future releases from george romero and david lynch somewhat, but it's a slight inspiration at best.
  16. i enjoy it in a schlocky 'so bad it's good' sort of way.
  17. actually, it's not that melodramatic...but he's moving stations and timeslots (WCKG to Jack FM/afternoon drive to mornings) starting Monday. last show on ckg is this afternoon. i remember my dad listening to him and gary on both WLS and then i listened to them every summer on LOOP AM clear down in central illinois. fast forward a couple of years and my first week living up north was literally the first week he started afternoons on wckg...he's pretty much been a staple in my 45 minute drive home since 1996. a lot different than stern, his show was a little more cerebral and while howard was
  18. probably means more cowboy troy videos too. i agree.
  19. i'm sure. honestly though, i'm sure there is plenty of that stuff even in my own hometown in central illinois...i KNOW there is plenty of stuff like that in southern illinois. really...i guess i don't have a problem w/ trucks, whiskey and daisy duke shorts. plus, good BBQ and lower housing costs. i could live like a redneck caligula and like it!
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