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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. please see my earlier post, i wipe my ass w/ H2's. and carlos, have you ever killed a man? if not, we're not hiring.
  2. feels pretty good, but i drive a bentley made out of gold and poor people. company car. i'm drinking oil from a diamond-encrsuted pimp challace that has 'CAN'T JAM ME!' spelled out in rubies and poor people.
  3. awesome. btw, as 'the man', i get a lot more than $250 a week for holding you down. plus stock options if the company hits it's quota for technological capitalist bullshit.
  4. sure it did. i answered it by rednering it moot...who cares what we did before cell phones, because we have them now and that's what we're talking about. i don't know if i'd object, but i'd find it absolutely insane...again, because we're not asking people to take accountability for their actions and act like responsible adults, we're doing it for them. so i don't have to go back to read your specific examples, but on an average, how many people at how many films that you've seen recently have actually opened up their cell and had a conversation during the movie?
  5. because there are cellphones NOW. again, i don't have my cellphone because i'm worried about emergencies, i carry one because it helps me not have to worry as much about them. second-hand smoke is a health risk...being annoyed isn't.
  6. i'm all for people managing how they use or don't use their cellphone...turn it off, don't carry one, whatever. the original crux of this thread was putting devices in place that take that ownership of proper manners and accountability out of the hands of the individual. treating everyone like a third-grader is just as bad as acting like one. everbody has become so easily annoyed and offended by things...a nation of pussies and i find it a tad crazy.
  7. the examples i posted were real versus glorified horror stories of 90% of a movie crowd waving their cellphones above their head like they were at a justin timberlake concert, but okay. throw in i never said cellphones magically solve anything, but are you going to tell me they haven't helped? i also agreed that people can be assholes and evoid of tact in public, w/ cellphones and without...but jamming everybody's phone because of it doesn't seem like an adult way of dealing with it.
  8. i do. but my employment there has nothing to do w/ my agenda of thinking people get way to worked up over stupid shit and amplify things to overdramatize on the way to making a point. if i didn't work there, i'd still have the same exact stance, opinions and thoughts.
  9. okay, the past two hours spent reading this thing served as a virtual timewarp to sitting around a dingy, frank zappa poster laden room in our shithole of a fraternity house at 3PM on a Friday afternoon w/ my musical sherpa and future best friend...drinking tall boys of schaeffer, occasionally chasing it w/ shots of night train, smoking way too many cigarettes and having my glam-metal loving freshman mind blown by 'Left of the Dial'. the parity of being turned onto good music by word of mouth or stumbling on it yourself of my college days to the pre-internet-file share-torrent DIY era the ba
  10. dude, if anything, the fact that i am immediately reachable should an emergency happen gives me enough piece of mind not to think about it happening. i'm less distracted if anything. and, you are out of your mind.
  11. they must have some damn good breakfast, as there is no way i'd lug my own high chairs/booster seats around just so i could eat at someplace.
  12. i'm pleasantly surprised. i'd love a definitive book that is done w/ Paul and Tommy's cooperation, but this is still fun and LONG overdue. i think you'd dig it, a-man.
  13. bingo. sorry, i remember you talking about that breakfast place banning kids and pretty much thought you crumbled them up and ate them on your salad. again, this place has become so insane i can't tell who is being sarcastic or not...and i'm usually as good at detecting that as i am boob jobs.
  14. but that's YOU. plus, there are too many options relative to handsfree operation...including voicedial so you don't even need to touch the phone to dial a #...to be that careless. plus, how much more distracting is carrying on a conversation on your cell than carrying on one w/ somebody actually in your car. again, anybody who can't handle using one in their vehicle is at fault...not the phone.
  15. 267 not counting the forward and indexes. it's robust, not skimpy at all.
  16. i've still got that annoying 'punkrocker' song from the car commerical as my ringtone. i've been too lazy to change it and i like the looks it gets in meetings at work.
  17. at least on a cellphone, you are having a real conversation w/ another live human being...if your issue is detachment from one's surroundings, you should take equal to more issue w/ video game systems, ipods/walkmen, laptops and the web.
  18. it's really good so far...very entertaining and i thought i had heard all the stories over the years. a lot of great stories/insight from other lesser-known folks from the scene around that time as well.
  19. 'Don't taze me, bro Mom!' and since when have movies, concerts, restaurants, parks, beaches been 24-hour sanctuaries of silence?! it's like people were never loud and obnoxious BEFORE cellphones were commonplace.
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