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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. i always forget sven's on saturday nights! not watching this minute, but came today via netflix per beltman's heads-up: 'The Host'
  2. i'd also like to submit GAY TAZER as an excellent punk band name and that i'm still blown away some people are still sticking to the insane point his line of questions is what got him tazed or even cuffed or even asked to leave.
  3. yeah, it's been identified that the police followed department protocol...so i'd hold off on that stance any laws were broken. tired?
  4. versus There you go. If you are going to make this about freedom of speech or asking hard hitting questions you actually want answeres to...there is the distinction.
  5. oh definitely. i would have tasered him for wearing his shorts too baggy so his boxers stick up above the wasteline and then again when he called me 'bro' in the context of not getting tasered.
  6. but that doesn't answer why john kerry tasered him for just asking him about black people?
  7. jesus...he didn't get tasered for asking a rambling question! he was tasered for RESISTING ARREST! a lot of 'buts' and 'ifs' towards the police, but what about turning that the other way...what if he did get violent and either the officers and/or attendees were put in harms way? people keep abridging this to a guy asks a question and immediately gets tasered. how many opportunities did this guy have NOT to even be detained?! finally, i'm basing my stance on this solely on the full footage of the entire events that transpired...the fact the d-bag has a smarmy website/track record for atten
  8. You really just refuse to acknowledge the fact he didn't just get up there and ask one question. Did you actually see the footage of this entire incident from the time he got up to the mic? I posted a link to the video earlier.
  9. Amen. How many times, was this guy given an opportunity to avoid even being walked out...let alone forcefully ejected, cuffed and then tasered?! I saw no level of unprofessionalism by anybody other than the douchebag looking to get more facetime on the web.
  10. for the record, dave doesn't sound that bad and the rest of the band sounds great. i just thought he embodied the whole old folks on reunion tours thing.
  11. i finally watched the video...best week ever indeed. that is classic.
  12. i'd buy two copies if that was the case.
  13. i do like sammy better, but i don't hate the original line-up at all. funny enough, i even enjoyed the first two or three DLR solo discs. c'mon man, you can't tell me that dave compared to isn't a shell of it's former self. you don't need a good hip to split blood and/or breathe fire.
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