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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. it's just a hypothetical i use on pro-lifers when i'm trying to get them to blow me.
  2. i don't care how much of an intellectual you are...farts are funny. if i had to choose between oral sex and saving myself from a burning building... ...i'm still thinking.
  3. 13 bionic eyes!? you better pee in another jug and get yourself checked out.
  4. Ryan Adams, Bright Eyes and a petri dish full of 13 bionic eyes are in a burning building. which one would you save? if i were mr. kinsley and had a post of the day award, that would probably be it.
  5. yes, i believe i have experienced several of these bites. they suck.
  6. we're the same age and i couldn't disagree more. funny shit like... ...still makes me smile. plus, if you actually knew him better, he hardly has a 'sarcastic reaction to everything attitude'...maybe to you he does, but the way you seem to carry yourself can be as offensive as axe body spray. for the record, i'd take you seriously if your opinions weren't based so much on cut and pasting other people's opinions or, even worse, posting those opinions as some sort of factual validation towards anything. much in the same way you handled the Great VW Debate of 2007. that said, pseudo-
  7. i like it, their us label is streaming it on their site and it can be purchased on iTunes. i did realize that the riff is completely cribbed from 'undercover of the night', but i don't really care.
  8. this isn't the showcase showdown, lives and/or cell clumps are at stake.
  9. if a dish of 12 embryos, a baby and an oak tree were in close proximity to a burning blueprint of a building, which one would you save?
  10. i'm jsut going to say NO is a fantastic city and this whole thing was and is still painful to watch. and that i'm a huge shuck owens fan.
  11. if a dish of 12 embryos, a baby and an oak tree were in a building burning, which one would you save?
  12. i'm a christian and follow the same charter...and yes, you need to continue working on that.
  13. but isn't there a difference that the result is pre-mediatated in one and not in the other? you control every step of the process that goes into getting to the aborted child...in the other, it only becaomes a question of choice once you were placed into the scenario to make it. it's not really a solid hypothetical...at what stage life begins is only part of the equation and choosing to save the existing child doesn't really make a case against a pro-life stance.
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