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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. 'Up All Night (Frankie Miller Goes to Hollywood)' from Hard Candy was one of the most well-crafted pop tunes i've ever heard, but the rest of the album was indeed tepid. My wife still digs them.
  2. Dude, have you seen the MTV Cribs of his house? He fucking loves the horror genre clear back to it's roots and it shows in his work. The clips look like they've brought back the genuine darkness/scariness of the original.
  3. there are releases out of all three i love, but 88-92 is indeed rap's 'golden' period. i thought i saw someone say that the samples/tracks from that era aren't fresh and sound dated or something...that statement blows my mind when compared to the stale same sounding backing tracks on most of today's POPULAR rap/hip-hop. thrown on 3 Ft. High and Rising or Paul's Boutique or Low-End Theory or Fear of a Black Planet...those albums stand and will continue to stand the test of time. that said, a lot of the more indie underground stuff bubbling up out there has given me hope...People Under the
  4. now soon-to-be watching: HALLOWEEN my best friend since grade school, whom I don't think i've seen a movie with since natural born killers, and I made plans last night for him to come out the burbs and catch this the night it comes out. i was skeptical at first, but w/ every trailer and commerical i see i get more excited.
  5. yeah, that song is one of my favorite roth-era tunes.
  6. i do not own a CD copy of 5150...as much as i love that album, i never upgraded from cassette. i may need to remedy that.
  7. The wife and I entered our wedding reception to THIS. My best man's wedding present to us was two tickets to the Illinois stop of the Balance tour. We first met and bonded over tequila shots and a conversation over Van Halen, so our ties to the Van Hagar era are strong.
  8. from that greatest hits they released in the mid-90's. i like it, but not because of roth...and it illustrates how the lack of mike on this whole thing is a HUGE gap.
  9. some of them, sure...but they started heading that direction before roth quit. plus, there are some tracks on all of those hagar releases that have balls, they just never made it on MTV or the radio. also, i like 'poundcake'. even though ed ripped the whole drill thing off of paul gilbert/racer x.
  10. finally caught 'dig' last night. the movie was extremely entertaining. i've been a dandy warhols fan since 'come down', although they started to lose me w/ 'odditorium'. i've had a couple of buddies that have tried to get me into BJM for years and have been forced to listen to just about everything they've put out, but outside of the fantastic band name...i find their actual output kind of bland and derivative. it's not even about anybody having to be groundbreaking or not, i just don't think anton's take on that era of music is really that interesting. a few good tunes and that's about it.
  11. Miracle Fortress - Five Roses
  12. dead on. sammy also played guitar as well, at least circa-5150, which added an little extra something as well. like him or not, sammy is a musician and dave is (one hell of a) entertainer. i saw them on the OU812 tour and it still one of the best shows i've ever seen...or at least, some of the most fun i've ever had at a show.
  13. I've never been that hardcore over Kanye and think he's kind of overhyped, but I do respect the fact he does not march to the same cookie-cutter drummer that most of his contemporaries do. He earns points for being a huge Murakami fan (via his work w/ Luis Vuitton), an interesting article on that relationship and more in the most recent issue of complex magazine. Seriously, Murakami's stuff is crazy sick...
  14. Holy shit. I heard that Takashi Murakami did the artwork for this, but hadn't seen it yet. Fucking cool. Man, Kanye is really taking some Asian influences into his work...that video for 'Stronger' is straight up out of 'Akira'.
  15. Maybe not as shitty, but as stated before...it started to drift into a magazine just as much about pop culture and pop music more than 10-20-even 30 years ago.
  16. I was about ready to go to bed last night and then noticed this: was available for FREE On Demand. I went ahead and watched the whole thing then. Also noticed that both these: are available as well. Throw in 'Hot Fuzz' and '300' waiting at home via Netflix, going to be a lot movie watchin' over the enxt couple of weeks.
  17. Happy B-Day to my psychic blood brother! This year, I got you a membership in the 'B-Boy Club'... and a Biz Markie video: VAPORS! Happy Birthday, buddy! Enjoy your day and take an award tour w/ your b-boy ticket. No need to shop around anymore!
  18. i always find myself stopping on this when i'm channel surfing. don't go out of my way to watch it, but it keeps my interest when i do.
  19. Dude, he's the grand poobah of the leopard lodge...he's probably keeping one eye open and just clockin those ho's.
  20. they're playing the palatine street fest, 5 minutes from my house. think i'm going to catch Freddy Jones Band the night before instead.
  21. Adidas World - Edwyn Collins Burn It All Down - VHS or Beta Have You Seen in Your Dreams - Miracle Fortress Manteca (Funky Lowlives Remix) - Dizzy Gillespie To The Sky - Maps The Night Starts Here - Stars The Power Is On - The Go! Team Cool Under Heat - The Clash Back from Somewhere - H
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