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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. I have a soft spot for Sonic Temple...but everything after that was kind of hit and miss. They just went too far in that 'classic arena rock' sound on Ceremony and then too far to the opposite direction on The Cult...Beyond Good and Evil wasn't horrendous, but they seemed to be catering to the metal crowd. Not that I have a problem w/ that, but I always liked how they straddled the line between alt-rock and hard rock. What's the deal w/ a 10/2 date, other than it being too far out.
  2. I like how it's a little more simplistic...stripped down...than most of the stuff on Beyond Good and Evil. I don't know why, but i'm really, really stoked for this.
  3. bingo. 'popular country' is more akin to 'pop(ular) music' than what most traditionalists would consider 'true' country. R.A. seems to lean more towards the traditional side of things. or something.
  4. neither am I...fauxllectual, perhaps. you sound smart enough.
  5. as a fellow intellectual...i was hoping so.
  6. If it is fake, I don't want to know.
  7. in case you weren't aware, there is a topless photo in exisitence where she is dressed up like a genie. three thumbs up. EDIT: FOUND IT...NSFW, but soooo good.
  8. good god sophia loren is insanely hot.
  9. the riff sounds cribbed from the music that plays when phoebe cates unleashes her cans in glorious slo-mo in 'fast times'. as far as the video goes, i would have gotten different porn stars.
  10. that's one thing i never saw eye to eye w/ ronscott howardcey on...wasting a perfecty good slurpee like that. unless it's the pina colada pr bananna flavored ones. they are rank.
  11. She also posed for Stuff Magazine and the WY episode w/ a budding Solei Moon Frye made me feel like a dirty old man before I was even 20. Sorry, had to say it.
  12. I drink 2-3 Slurpees a week over the summer and my weekend would not be complete w/out them.
  13. i need to get a box of those krusty-o's...the chicago area kwik-e is by midway you say?
  14. If I wouldn't have had a hand in coreographing the Tobey McGuire dance sequences, i'd feel better about the whole thing.
  15. Went and saw the Transformers movie yesterday and not only did it not suck as much as I thought it would, it's was pure, enjoyable summer blockbuster fun. I should have enjoyed Spiderman 3 as much as I did this.
  16. Bingo...or we could just talk about our favorite Wilco track on summerteeth. again. and again. and again.
  17. i'm not defending his actions...the whole thing, including him ever getting to a state of doing it is sad. you missed my point completely, twit.
  18. one classy response deserves another, yeah? a little different than your post.
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