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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. in the original post, using spoon's 'ga X 5' as a comparison for experimentalism is kind of off...while I love it, it's a lot less experiemental than 'kill the moonlight' and sees them further honing in on that blue-eyed soul/rock hybrid that the Jam perfected many, many years ago. the 'classic rock' sound that has been tagged on SBS...while a different subset, can be ascribed to spoon's latest as well.
  2. you shouldn't be afraid to admit that. in fact, you should bust that album out and hold it w/ both hands over your head like john cusack and his boombox in say anything.
  3. 'Xanadu' soundtrack or the book-on-tape version of 'The Happy Hooker'. feel the burn.
  4. fuck, throw in almost getting run over by gene simmons on his way into the Venetian SAME NIGHT as I was on my way out. he had a bunch of cameras on him for what i'm assuming was that reality show. i would have stopped and said hello otherwise. c'mon, gene fucking simmons! i'm usually there for CES, but those porn awards the same week bring out some interesting folks.
  5. oh man, almost forgot, Dennis Hoff (ower of the Bunny Ranch), Heidi Fleiss and Ron Jeremy sitting at the table next to me at the Lux Cafe in Vegas. i had never been more star struck.
  6. Ran into Mr. T on the glass elevator at Water Tower place. Met Tony Hawk at a Jurassic Five show in Aspen during the X-Games. Year after that, ran into Sean White and Billie Joe from Green Day at the bottom of the mountain during the same event and met Johnny Mosely when we at some club that night. Bam Margera at hotel bar at the Riot House in LA. Peyton Manning, Lance Bass and Busta Rhymes (not together) in the hotel lobby during Super Bowl XXXIV in Hotlanta. Hung out w/ Jake Plummer while he signed autographs at our booth at NFLX. Also met Ray Lewis at our booth the day before the whol
  7. man, i'm really digging on these tracks floating around from the upcoming VHS or Beta. never really got that into them before.
  8. they both rule, but are definitively different bands.
  9. It's a real dark trip, man. I felt gross just watching it...peeped it on a lark from the free flicks on our digital cable. I'll check out Go-Go Girls based on the title alone.
  10. bjorn looks like he's channeling his inner Fred Durst... good looking folks, all y'all.
  11. haven't seen that one, but i know all about it...i'd also be relinquesed of my keys to the house w/ that choice. speaking of disturbing, did you ever catch The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things? whoa.
  12. really? i was enjoying it and then it got a little too hokey for me...and i like movies that bring the hokey. and, oft times, thee pokey. i think the wife was so disgruntled by it, i'm about one movie away from being relinqueshed of netflix duty.
  13. beltmann, don't see that flick 'Dejavu' w/ Denzel...it bites balls and it bites them hard.
  14. just so he can tell you to get a job? he's a busy man, ficksticks.
  15. like a fine wine, martin...or a side of beef. actually, i'm 36. but it's a Ralph Macchio in the Karate Kid 36.
  16. i poured out a slurpee by the Ma Nuge memorial rock by Durty Nellie's in his honor, just recently.
  17. isn't coke more addictive than musrooms, pot, etc.? that's pretty much why i've never tried anything outside your standard hippy fare. also, heroin is such a bad, bad way to destroy your life...if i could rid the world of it, i'd do it in a heartbeat.
  18. Full Stream of the first single 'Dirty Little Rock Star'
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