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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. actually...good point, wendy. sorry for the kneejerk reaction...as long as the opportunity is there to discuss it on a grander scale or even specific to the VW thing. all kidding aside, it really is more interesting to me than 90% of the other thread in this section (no diss, i just choose not to read them). please go louie's thread instead.
  2. i hear you. although, the whole fergie thing is a little vexing to me...between that album and the black eyed peas radioplay/trophy 'hip hop' band status, she/her record company aren't getting enough exposure as it is? granted, i'm aslo a capitalist...so, get paid, pee pee pants.
  3. seriously, what is the problem w/ having this discussion over anything else?!
  4. it's closer than you think. again, no matter how bombarded by it you are...you do have a choice as to how much you let this stuff affect you. that fergie example is a little crazy, but if somebody was a fan and the show was good, are they really going to care? i really like the example of the vans warped tour, which my company sponsored one year. the sponsorships offset the cost of the tickets and allowed the organizers to really put together a very cool day for those that attended. a day so cool you ended up numb to the marketing onslaught after 15 minutes of being there. granted, some of
  5. iam i the only one who really doesn't care that the debate over the vw ads keeps going? seriously...what's the big deal?
  6. Great point. Although, i'm just shy of taking the FD as replacement solution.
  7. or, that offering equal airtime will make the opposing pundit any more effective as a broadcaster in getting his point across? agree w/ his viewpoint or not, he's obviously done a great job on articulating asaid viewpoint to the tune of decent enough arbitron ratings. it's not just the message or the avaialble outlets for the message, but (at least an equal amount) the messenger itself.
  8. nah, don't worry about it...it'll pass and i may actually have a buddy who still has an actual copy of it. i'll have to ask.
  9. 'Lucky Man' was just as epic, IMO. That said, Bittersweet Symphony is one of those singles, no matter how many times I hear it, I never change the channel on or fast forward.
  10. damn. if it was on iTunes, i'd buy the fucking thing...i just don't feel like ordering the physical CD from barking pumpkin. thanks for checking!
  11. until the fairness doctrine goes back into effect...they have no voice.
  12. sorry ction, going to have to throw down w/ the 'spunky backpack' awesome screen name rule. 'TJ O'Pootertoot' may fall i nto the same category and cannot be disagreed with.
  13. this is both insane and more fuel for the fire for the same conservative radio hosts they are trying to 'balance out'. seriously, why do they involve themselves in shit like this that make the democratic party look like such pussies. i've got a better idea...get rid of them all, both conservative and liberal. that would also create a truly fair and balanced airwaves. these 'pundits' on either side do nothing to help create a fact-based, politically educated public. as he's supposedly my guy, i'll get dick durbin on the line and spitball that equally idiotic and unrealistic idea w/ him.
  14. no worries. your on the board of directors at oink, yeah? is it on there and can you hook a hippie in military clothing up?
  15. Confessions - 1991 Automatic - 2000 Go With What You Know - 2006
  16. on the Dweezil tip...and i'm being serious...if anybody could scour the internet and hook me up w/ an digital copy of the dweezil zappa album 'confessions' by 5P today, i'll put: 'Your screen name here IS THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME.' in my signature. I had the actual CD eons ago and it dissapeared by the time I graduated college. I have hankering to listen to it something fierce.
  17. and the name for her first post-Missing Persons solo album. in my mind.
  18. i'd just like to say that i was one letter away from posting 'foreigner' as my favorite foreign band in the music section, but i decided against it.
  19. really? oofah, that IS bad.
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