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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. seriously, what is the name of your label?
  2. Did they change the lyrics to focus on cars, tires and financing?
  3. When Kip Winger posed in Playgirl...that, comrades, was the day the music died. Since then, I implore all musicians to license their music to anybody that'll pay top dollar and then make a music video for a remix where they use it to shine a bentley or the deliciously thick, rotund thong-clad backside of a girl who likely has a state or soda pop for a first name. Then I steal insurance coverage from babies...black ones, usually.
  4. The bloodcurdling scream of art being bludegeoned to death by Jeff Tweedy w/ a hubcap from a Jetta or, played backwards, I hear Ozzy Osbourne's 'Suicide Solution'...sung by Pat Sansone or, perhaps, your Mom.
  5. I can throw a million commercials at you 100X worse than these are...and the agency that has worked on a majority of these spots have done a phenomenal job in reinvigorating the VW brand over the past 6-7 years. You may not like them personally, but this thread is hardly a legitimate sample of their effectiveness.
  6. thought what about the response?
  7. I've read 4 of them at this point and they have all been really well done. I have three more I plan on reading over the summer. Isn't that like saying there are so many books about Band X that there is no possible way someone could write a better and/or definitive one than any of those? Also, some of the albums they've chose to greenlight one of these books on are exactly the reson I like the series...what's unimportant to you, is not unimportant to me.
  8. NRA, yes...because it is a lobbyist group w/ a more political agenda, an agenda I don't subscribe to and that can affect my/my family's personal safety. NASCAR, no...because while I find it insanely boring, it doesn't infringe on my core beliefs...outside of the one that auto racing that doesn't involve cars that shoot lasers is insanely boring. Apples to oranges.
  9. man, I totally want to watch Bachelor Party now...seriously.
  10. Absolutely...and bring that beautiful little baby with you before they become sponsored by Molson or some other Canadian company that could be cited by someone who's actually aware of a Canadian product other than beer.
  11. definitely true...but isn't it sad only if the business aspect isn't successful enough to allow you to continue to create it or that it's so successful that it overshadows the actual act of making it? another tangent...is a graphic artist that desgins or produces original 'artwork' for advertisements any less of an artist because said 'art' is generating revenue? can said 'art' no longer be called 'art' once it is used to sell something? i'm probably not the person to ask, I as own numerous books like this: sorry, just find this whole discussion fascinating.
  12. They should call VW. I get where you are coming from, Judy. Hope it all works out for the best!
  13. ahhhh, but to me they are worth the $...not because of the brand itself, but the design principles followed in some of their shoes. in other words, their shoes look fucking fly as hell. besides, when was the last time you saw an ad for the superstar or campus...all their ads are for their athletic line/apparel. these motherfuckers sell themselves...TRACTOR BEAMS, bitches! i've actually gotten back into converse chuck taylor's as well...and have been known to rock a pair of coffee colored suede pumas now and again.
  14. Don't make me go analogman and go back in the archives to find where I posted that months and months ago...and I stole it from the Beastie Boys message board. Bit protection.
  15. There was a larger list of proposed books by interested authors...books on several Wilco (and Uncle Tupelo) albums were pitched to the publisher. I'd say it is a matter of time before someone makes the right pitch and there is one for at least YHF. Check their blog out for more details. Big fan of the series...i'd love to see one of these done that really dissects the making of and content of either YHF or Summerteeth.
  16. Move into the mountains then. Kidding. I don't disagree w/ the essence of what you are saying Judy...i'd rather see more public art than advertising...mountains than billboards. I'm just saying that the billboard doesn't really ruin the mountain itself, but just your view of it. Also, if you are going to try and stop something like that from happening...one could challenge you'd get more mileage rallying against the property owners versus the companies that would take dvantage of the available space. One/several property versus millions of businesses.
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