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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. To be fair, they didn't receive a cent for that ad. Apples. Oranges.
  2. I'd like to say Electric Version, but they all have stellar moments.
  3. Gas Face - 3rd Bass Steppin to the AM - 3rd Bass South Bronx - Boogie Down Productions Shake Your Rump - Beastie Boys Shadrach - Beastie Boys Jimmy James - Beastie Boys Sureshot - Beastie Boys Alright Hear This - Beastie Boys Body Movin (album version AND Fatboy Slim remix) - Beastie Boys Warm it Up Kane - Big Daddy Kane Strobelight Honey - Black Sheep Choice is Yours - Black Sheep Flava in Ya Ear - Craig Mack Treat Em Right - Chubb Rock This is a Recording - De La Soul Say No Go - De La Soul Tread Water - De La Soul Patty Dook - De La Soul You Gots to Chill - EPMD All You Can Eat - Fat Boys C
  4. That's Best Buy promoting Wilco, not Wilco promoting Best Buy. No wonder your GPA was so low...trust-fund private jet to bonnaroo silver spooner. Get in your Hummer and drrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  5. Beltmann, Well played and I watched Xanadu last night via the free movie section on my digital cable. O.N.J. was en fuego and the part where the hero that kind of looks like the guy from The Warriors is challenging the neon disco Zeus voiced by Dudley Moore's butler, was one Tron away from being some killer FX. Don't even get me started how wonderfully gay Gene Kelly was in his performance. Anyhow, neo-yuppie signing off! Vee-Dub Represent, Nino Brown
  6. also, if Nino Brown was telling Jeff Tweedy that it was wrong for him to sell cars...you bet Jeff Tweedy wouldn't be selling cars. Nino Brown makes Tom Waits look like Lyle Lovett.
  7. Well, my point was more so to the exposure the ad provides for his music. Sure, he's successful...but you don't think he wants as many people to hear his music as possible and become more successful and thusly finance more albums and tours and be comfortable in taking more artisitic risk w/out worrying about stability for his family and so on? Tom Waits may think that, but unless he has a definitive copy of the 'Rock'n'Roll Rulebook and By-laws' then it's just one other artists opinion. I respect him, but he doesn't carry that much influence for me personally. That said, there was a time i
  8. also, we drive a VW...so i'm going to side w/ Jeff on this whole thing. just keep in mind i also drive a Honda, so i'm a japanese slave labor sympathizer. and a frat boy.
  9. My Dad drives a Lexus...he's a couple grand away from being a Nazi.
  10. Selling which product though? The $ made from the licensing of the song can oft be eclipsed by the marketing value the artist and song are provided by it's inclusion...hitting an audience and gaining exposure they may not have received otherwise. Was there this amount of uproar when they used 'War on War' for the Illinois department of tourism TV spot a few years ago?
  11. I like it...don't know if I love it, but that's okay. Definitely looking forward to new stuff!
  12. I've had the luck to see Riviera many a time...from the Beat Kitchen to Metro (after they won that big Best Bands in Chicago dilly put on by Metromix). They just kept getting better and better with each show, so my guess is this one will a doozy. Wish I could make it, D...i've got a training thing for work. Make sure you either bronze or laminate the blazer so they can put it in the Hard Rock Hotel...6th floor...right by the ice dispenser. All my love, brother.
  13. wasn't a RAZR, but a KRZR...which just came out in late '06.
  14. how does this compare to 'say, say, say'? based on the responses, i'll check it out or put on a wings album.
  15. Absolutely. I agree on the first single, but happily state it's not indicative ofthe album in it's entirety.
  16. okay, if anybody could help me out (again)...I think I need to (finally) check these guys out. late to the dance as always, but i'm trying...
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