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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. i just think it's realistic...mostly for the 'it'll be out there for free anyway' rationale i mentioned before.
  2. i don't think the logic is backwards at all. they are going for the largest common denominator...the denominator that buys CDs at big box retailers. the ones that actually buy them at indie stores are also the ones savvy enough to know they can get the bonus tracks somehwere online anyhow. having X amout of different versions ofthe same release = SKU management issues = less margin $. the record companies are going to make sure they are getting their $ worth out of issuing a different version AND another thing being left out, is the pressure from the major retialers for a unique release just
  3. Dear Reni and Edie, Go Gubs, El Fuckingadothesoxsuck
  4. yeah, but i think i've seen other (albeit more indie) bands do special releases on vinyl or w/ bonus stuff that bigger retailers can't and won't take. besides...how many people who shop at independently owned record shops are going there the latest smashing pumpkins?! c'mon.
  5. two boys and they're 16 months. logan wolf and owen anderson.
  6. from the sound of it, you should check out 'To Cool for Ribfest-Fest' instead.
  7. I said this in another thread...I CAN'T BELIEVE PEOPLE BITCH ABOUT THIS WHEN THE BONUS TRACKS AND, EVEN MORE SO, THE ENTIRE ALBUM WILL LEAK ANYHOW. This isn't a new practice, they've been doing 'special' versions of albums for deifferent reatilers for several years now. Oh, the humanity. Pffft.
  8. as i'm not fluent in your homosexual lingo, i had to look that one up. well played.
  9. I'm going to post this here too, because i worked on it for a whole 10 minutes and it will reach a bigger audience than the 'superjam' thread in the music section...
  10. i hear you, the sloan show i went to a month ago was the first gig i'd been to since the twins were born. i sat out the last bunch of auditorium shows myself...first time i missed a wilco in chicago gig in many years. anyhow, glad to hear all is well...and that kris still smells like doo doo butter. and yes, it's me...the living rocket boy.
  11. ...because those tracks and the album itself won't show up for free on the web before the album even comes out anyway. Way to RATM, Pitchfork. Boo-hoo. Pffft.
  12. Anna, IL...about a half hour further south than carbondale. Our first extensive car ride/trip w/ the twins...should be interesting.
  13. i'll go on record right here and now and say i'll uproot my family and move tomorrow to any place featuring a large statue of Gene Simmons riding a Unicorn visible from a major expressway and/or in front of a government building.
  14. I still throw on Palace at 4AM at least once every other month or so. I'm sad to say I don't think I ever heard/found a copy of 1919...i'll have to remedy that.
  15. it should as no big surprise that i will not be able to attend...we'll actually be in southern illinois at relatives.
  16. It was how mundane the 'backstage' aspect of this tour was that was so fascinating to me...but I could agree that overall it lumbers a little in spots.
  17. for the record, i think that anything that 'joss ackland's spunky backpack' posts should be deemed irrefutable based on the screen name and avatar alone.
  18. It was a Netflix for me...but it could be one to add to the official library, yes. Good stuff.
  19. Awesome. Really illustrates the disfunction in the band, but not via knock-down fights or anything...they just barely communicate w/ each other offstage, but (sans a Lovering meltdown in Chicago) when they get ONSTAGE they melt faces. Really interesting to watch both deal and Santiago reaccustom themselves to life on the road as well...for different reasons. Cool extras as well, including a bit of Charles and the Deal sisters visiting Siguor Ros (sp?) at their studio in Iceland and Daniel Lanois working on the docs score. I think even non-Pixies fans would appreciate it as a road doc. Thumbs
  20. i just want to say i think your roller derby career has escalated you to the top of cool girls i sort of know...and that the little shaver is growing up fast.
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