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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. rooftop concert at a VW dealership...the announcement was on the SBS LP's from the pre-order, when you played it backwards. free starbucks green tea soy lattes compliments of tinymixtapes.com.
  2. i think i recall having IP issues w/ our comcast modem/service when I first set up our router, but i was able to sort it out over the phone. i'm a caveman when it comes to this stuff, so if i could figure it out via that route...anybody can.
  3. the password for the music today pre-sale is 'LARRY POTASH'.
  4. ORCH, Row B, Seats 12 and 13! What did everybody else get?
  5. Bingo. At least have them try to explain it to you over the phone and then if it doesn't work...make them come and fix it.
  6. Take some time and look over their site... ...just a snippet. You're right...that isn't at all rational and the second point is just a super generalization that marginalizes anybody who may have actually purchased one to help.
  7. Jeff's Favorite Pizza: Lou Malnati's My Favorite Pizza: Lou Malnati's so, i'm going to have to say...yes.
  8. The original G'n'R did an incredible job lifting all the best parts from more traditional rock bands like the Stones, AC/DC, Aerosmith and Alice Cooper...AND more punk leanings from Iggy, The Dolls, Johnny T., etc. ...the first Poison record tried to do the same thing, but came up short in comparison.
  9. we are in complete agreement on Lou Malnati's.
  10. Again, I find that piece a little flawed in that it doesn't hold any accountabilty for the listener itself as to how they interpret the song. The song itself at no time has ever changed from it's original composition and recording...what has changed is the listener's perception of it by it's use in the ad. All this hooplah and I have yet to actually even see the ad actually on TV...and I actually do watch my fair share of it.
  11. and even more so by Hanoi Rocks. Don't kid yourself into thinking they didn't lean on that look a lot from the jump off: I remember hearing gnere tages like glam punk or glitter punk...as they had a lot of that in their sound ala Iggy too.
  12. absolutely. they cribbed more than just looks from the NY Dolls and Sweet on that first album...not that i'd put them in the same league w/ either band. hair metal, hard rock, whatever.
  13. ...because it's fun, perhaps? one can only take so much self-important altindiefolkemogarage type stuff. i listened to tons of that stuff in High School and College and turned out relatively fine.
  14. I agree w/ Jorge, that the remixes of those songs did nothing but water them down...I thought POP was some of their most adventerous music from an instrumental POV, definitely some of Edge's best guitar work. Also agree w/ Sir S, that Rattle & Hum has aged VERY well.
  15. i know i should listen to this but have no desire to...how wrong am I? keep in mind, I have liked maybe 2-3 tunes they've done, love Meg's chestoral region and have been underwhelmed otherwise.
  16. I have yet to actually see a performance in that venue and this would be a perfect way to remedy that. plus...THE BEAN!
  17. I shrunk it down, printed it out and put it in a locket around my neck.
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