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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Schedule conflicts mostly...the stars aligned perfectly to have this show pop on a Saturday, under the shadow of beautiful Wrigley Field that will be clearing out from the crosstown classic game earlier that afternoon. Whoo!
  2. I'm on the guest list for the Metro show this Saturday and can't wait. I've always dabbled in this band, but my guess is that seeing them live will probably turn me into a legit fan. My two freinds i'm going with are insane over them.
  3. I agree it's lacking in a true hook, but I like the weirdness meets lounge-ness of it.
  4. I understand completely, fucking up Wilco shows was part of our by-laws.
  5. and you've probably ruined countless numbers of Wilco shows w/ your loutish drunkanery and cellphone abusification, frat boy.
  6. They learn from the best...M-O-M.
  7. Happy Belated Cyclopswithamonacle Day, G! Ring Twice!
  8. We may try... ...but nobody is cooler than Mommy. Seriously. My wife is a Saint and i'm glad she puts up with us. Belated Happy Day and much respect to all the Moms out there!
  9. New Tune - Rat Cage - On Stereogum HERE
  10. that's what i'm talking about...she has tremendous range.
  11. The first installment of 'Kill Bill' was phenomenal and definitely on par w/ his best work...the second was good, but a little slow in parts for me. I watched 'Boogie Nights' over the weekend on IFC and forgot how fucking awesome of a flick that was AND how much I love Nina Hartley. I also watched the 'Lost in Space' movie that came out in the mid-90's on cable as well and found it boring, but visually stunning.
  12. I'll tell you just how much after I light up this poop I found.
  13. Absolutely and then you need to send me a copy.
  14. Do any of you Strummer fans happen to have the 'Love Kills' US promo disc or files of it they could send? I found it yesterday online, but the fucking MEGAUPLOAD site said I had maxed out my DL limit w/out being a member. Now, i can't even retrace my steps back to the link. There is a remixed dub version o nthere i've heard is stellar.
  15. is any film? first off, I totally agree on his Spiderman dig. secondly, if these 'sequels' are actually part of the entire story and not linked directly to the other pieces most of us know and love...what's the big deal? like pee said, there are billions of books out there that came after the actual flicks and there is a cartoon tied to the story, etc...what's the difference?
  16. See, this one went so far off track from the comic book it was one of the resons I didn't like it. I don't expect these to be literal interpretations of the comics...but some continuity would have been good.
  17. I'm really jonesing to hear this after reading that...
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