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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. other white radio hosts? what about the radio hosts that fall outside that description using similar type of slurs against other racial/sexual demographics? gary, that simulcast earned MSNBC a 25% share increase in that timeslot...cable-wise and for MSNBC, it was actually extremely succesful and, better yet, lucrative. They didn't have to spend $ to produce their own morning show and jsut had to kick in $ to CBS radio.
  2. MSNBC announced it's dropping the simulcast of his show completely...and Al and Jesse are meeting w/ CBS executives today. again, I don't think the comment itself is the real story here...it's the visibility being provided to a truly harmful double-standard being propogated by a couple of idiots that is really holding back true equality for all races, etc.
  3. or rendered it helpless as it's been stripped of it's originally malicious intent. that's what i was driving at. believe me, I totally understand your point and I certainly understand how hard it would be raise a teenage girl, i have a younger sister. i really hope you didn't think that was directed at you...my guess is that you've laid a strong foundation and she'll make it through these things.
  4. whoa! back the fucking truck up a second...i said certain leaders of a community not leaders of a certain community. in retrospect, i should have said supposed versus certain, but don't spin my posts in to something it's not. my statement was directed towrds these supposed leaders of the 'black community' (sharpton, jackson, etc.) that are taking instances like this to create just as much (if not more) racial tension and divide as Imus did...because that's how they stay in the public eye and make money. Nobody needs to start realizing that making money off of racism is as good as condonin
  5. *Ding* Thank you. Owl, please, go back and read that Jason Whitlock piece somebody posted.
  6. i agree in theory. i will say that the comment itself never should have gotten this much coverage...the uproar and how it is another example of an increasing racial divide being brought on by certain leaders of a community supposedly driving for equality is most definitely news. how this is handled will also affect the level of radio-based and public discourse in general.
  7. there a billion more powerful examples of people who are causing more damge relative to the perpetuation of racial/sexual stereotypes than don freaking imus. pardon my terminology, but he's being set up as a whipping boy to cover for more posturing and grandstanding by people like jackson and sharpton. the publicity they are giving to this comment is providing it more levity than the comment itself. plus, it's just another way to meet their agenda...an agenda that has little to nothing to do w/ equality, but perpetuating a continued racial divide. if everybody was 'equal' they'd be out of a 'j
  8. pretty much sums up my view as well...except that i don't listen to his show.
  9. the day i thank al sharpton for anything, will be the day i'm possesed by the ghost of someone who would actually thank al sharpton for anything. me too...i'm surprised it hadn't already.
  10. this whole Imus thing is going to fuck talk radio and TV up even more than it already is. i don't like imus and the whole comment was indeed insensitive and unfunny...but the uproar over this seems insane. sponsors backing out and all this pressure for him to be fired...WTF?!
  11. i put a limbeck song on a mix i made the other day.
  12. PM 'cryptique'...that's jeff tweedy's alias on the board and he'll hook you up.
  13. our mailman has rubber band shoot-outs w/ the neighborhood kids and constantly offers me advice on home improvements he thinks I should undertake. my wife is not a fan ever since he stomped up and down on our front porch to illustrate how the concrete was giving way...prompting us to spend a large part of our svaings account on replacing the entire thing 2-3 months ahead of schedule.
  14. yeah, no doubt...when did that happen?
  15. 'how do you afford your rock'n'roll lifestyle?'
  16. I think I may need to sneak out of work (no way the wife will go and see this) and see that Grindhouse. I actually read somewhere that the poor response to the length of the film is prompting them to split both flicks up and release them as their own entity. Sounds fucked up to me.
  17. @ work...but I should have stayed home and will definitely leave early. It's a mess out there.
  18. cool. i enjoy the Low. hopefully their still on deck when they come back to play chicago.
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  20. who's the 'top' in this relationship?
  21. I still think the Beastie Boys 35th Anniversary Adidas Superstars are the shit.
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