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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. My list would include: Tandylacker ~ The Shua The ABBA guy one of the spambots that had the natural path to bigger breasts
  2. SPOILER: He's a host at a restaraunt.
  3. you guys are right...this album is going to SUCKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
  4. buggin bagels like my name was La cucaracha, rhymes so fresh it'll make you do the cha cha.
  5. Good god...had they stretched out Harry/Sandman/Venom into two different flicks i'd be even more pissed off. Outside of some great effects, the whole Sandman charachter was flat and boring...Harry was even worse and should have flat out done another spin as the Goblin like the comic book...and the potential they had w/ Venom was a little muted by their choice in topher Grace, who did a lame job as a bad guy/psycho. This flick also brought to light just how bad of an actor Tobey Maguire can be and Kirsten Dunce was horrendous. Wow. I think I just realized I hated this flick even more than I
  6. ...but still as enjoyable as a 30 second clip of music can be.
  7. I'm just going to say, while it was entertaining and had a few cool action sequences...Spiderman 3 was a huge dissapointment. There was at least 45 minutes of useless pap stuck in there that could have been cut out and would have improved the flick ten-fold. It also amped up the goofiness to a disturbing level in what had the potential to be a very dark and interesting storyline based around jealousy and revenge.
  8. agreed and why it was at the bottom of my list. still good, but not amazing.
  9. 1. A Series of Sneaks 2. Kill the Moonlight 3. Girls Can Tell 4. Love Ways EP 5. Soft Effects EP 6. Telephono 7. Gimme Fiction Sneaks and Moonlight are really tied for 1st, but if I had to choose...'Car Radio' would push Sneaks over the top. That tune (and Uyen's online pimping) is the one that hooked me in. Really excited about the new one (anybody gets a leak, please help a brother out)...that's just a ranking, but I really do dig each and very album a lot. I have an unbelievable cut of 'Paper Tigers' from SXSW 2002 going on a mix i'm going to post up here soon. I never put live tracks o
  10. I'm still interested, but i'm trying to figure out how this'll be that much different from a Shawn Lee P-Pong Orchestra record...i'll reserve 'excitement' until I get a little more details.
  11. unfortunately, yes. my summers haven't been the same ever since.
  12. Just bustin' balls, obob. Nobody is more surpised than me they made it past them, let alone SWEPT them. I can't remember the last time I felt this compelled to watch the NBA postseason.
  13. I would actually listen to andrew bird if he performed w/ those glasses on.
  14. Dude, you should check her Eiffel Tower video...it's hotter than balls!!! ~ THE SIZZLER.
  15. I'm 50/50 on this...part of me thinks that they seemed to kind of lose something as MC's (just a little) on TT5B, but I would rather have a mix of instrumentals/actual rhymes ala Check/Illcomm. Either way, i'm still excited.
  16. i'll be damned...jimbrowski. i'm going to have to throw on soda jerk and hoist a lighter to the sky.
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