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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. also, Rich, what is this... same question for...
  2. Ditto. Pretty solid pop music...really like 'Bitches in Tokyo'. Rich, I never tire of Def Maybe...so good.
  3. $3240. My guess is, that's after wringing me out to make roughly 20 cases of beer and then 40 cartons of cigarettes from my ashes.
  4. watch out for unruly drama club members.
  5. Wow. That looks good, B. I'll have to put that into the Netflix que. another fantastic theory on this 1-18-08...a film version of the video game RAMPAGE. Supposedly, the website SLUSHO is tied to the film...and when you read the History of the drink, you see some weird synopsis of how some guy discovered and ingrediant for the drink that made him 'grow'.
  6. Some of the comments out there are saying that what's happening in that trailer is linked to Cthulhu and, even, the Hanso foundation from LOST.
  7. Dude, I just did a google search a half hour ago and the little teaser websites implicate a much more complex story than the trailer leads on...and does look like a lot of fun.
  8. 1-18-08 Trailer I haven't seen anything posted here, so if it has...please correct me. Saw the above trailer for a JJ Abrams project before the Transformers movie and now, it seems, there are a bunch of LOST-esque teaser sites all over the web. I'm really hoping it is as good as the trailer makes it look. Anybody have any more info?
  9. the band and 90% of everybody in attendance will be dressed like pirates, pier divers or submarine captains, so i'm not sure what the big deal over some water will be.
  10. also, it gives me a warm feeling that my essence can be boiled down to fat laces, RUN DMC, and ass/titties. no joke.
  11. Thanks everybody! We're dropping the kids off at some friends and using gift certificates we had sitting around for a swanky, romantic b-day dinner at Red Fucking Lobster. Big pimpin...act like you know.
  12. i'm torn...it's about time for a proper book on the mats, so i'm excited. however, i didn't write it...so i'm bummed.
  13. Then why make the movies?! I wouldn't say they didn't make snese or lacked 'meaning'...they were just boring as hell and too damn long.
  14. i'll take your word for it...how could i not trust anyone w/ a linda carter/wonder woman as their avatar?
  15. PM on the way after I get done w/ this conference call.
  16. i haven't watched one of these flicks or read any of the books since falling asleep in the second flick...that said, the preview to the new one piqued my interest. looks like a lot of action/fun and the badguy looks like batboy from weekly world news.
  17. oh my. you know, it's those type of special/promo items/releases that digital based music purchase/consumption have really fucked up. i know labels still do some of it to some extent, but not nearly as much it seems like. beggar's banquet released tons of that type of cult stuff too.
  18. If they indeed did two seperate ads and one of them was to target an african-american demographic...I see nothing strange or even racist about not using wilco music. They have more data out there than one would even imagine on what genre of music/musical artists different demographics based on everything from age to color to sex to sexual preference to regionality will identify with. You could call it stereotyping or you could call it trying to advertise to the greatest % of your target demographic. it's just sound business...hardly w/ any racism involved.
  19. i just saw that they have a condensed version of the 'Live Cult - Marquee London MCMXCI' Beggar's Banquet put out on iTunes...that used to be hard to find. it's sonic temple-era though, i think. good recording, but the vocals were a little drowned out.
  20. while i love mine as much as an older brother can...god help you if you have the same brother as me. sidebar: this... ...is what he's getting this weekend for his birthday (huge gorillaz nut). and, like 9/10 of the gifts i buy for him, i'm considering keeping it for myself.
  21. I have them all. There were a few Ceremony tracks I listened to non-stop, but skipped around a lot. The self-titled disc had 1-2 tracks that were decent, but I remember being pretty crestfallen over how tepid it was. Good and Evil, as I stated earlier, was a little too heavy for me to listen to on a regular basis...I saw them on that tour though and it was awesome. The Cult was one of those few bands/artists my brother and I shared big time mutual admiration for (RHCP, Suicidal Tendencies, Butthole Surfers the others). He had one of those awesome giant subway posters of a Sonic Temple-era pr
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