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Everything posted by WilcoFan

  1. This is not the first time they mentioned Wilco.
  2. I'm still not convinced that Tweedy didn't play the lead guitar on that part. Nels definitely played that?
  3. Yes. When I saw him play the solo in concert I felt like I had been tricked. Either Tweedy plays it on the record (which I was pretty convinced) and Nels can completely copy Jeff's style, or Nels actually played on AGIB and the band just isn't telling anybody.
  4. Me too. I say this all of the time: Then how about getting with the program? Why don't you jump on the team and come on in for the big win? Also, I like the white stripes, they sound so 70's-ish. Meg is a good drummer, I don't care what people say.
  5. What are we going to do with these mopes who don't like the show?
  6. I have not seen anything in print to suggest that this has already happened. Usually when a show gets cancelled, you can find out pretty quickly.
  7. I saw an interview with David Milch yesterday and he said that he originally wanted Ed O'Neil to play Swearengen but HBO thought he was too "TV." Then they found someone else who got sick and finally landed Ian McShane. I think it worked out just great.
  8. Let me know if you have any questions or have found a CGI script that you would like to use. If your server has python installed I can send you a script.
  9. Depending on the amount of time you have I might be able to help. If you have a very short turnaround, probably not. I wouldn't want to put your project in jeopardy of not finishing on time because of my busy schedule. Let me know how much time you have. Also, try to figure out: Is the web server unix based? Does your web server have python installed? That would be nice for me since I can whip stuff up in that pretty quickly. What web service (iPower, or some company, etc.) do you plan on using? Do you have shell access on this system?, i.e. command line login capabilities. Also
  10. The basic concept you want to use is a CGI POST script. You could probably find one or find a tutorial on it. Also, what web hosting company are you using? My wife uses iPower and they (and a lot of other companies) have form builders where you basically specify the fields you want, and then the action you want to do when the form is submitted. Then you just copy and paste a special directive they give you onto your page that you are building so it appears when they go to the "Tell a friend", form. You might need to then write a small script to parse out the fields and then write an email
  11. I'm guessing that if you were not blown away be watching episodes 1-3 then you won't like it. But if you want to see if you really like it, you need to watch the first three episodes in their entirety.
  12. Good question. We didn't get the answer to that yet. I can't wait for next week!
  13. Try this: Sing "Row row row your boat", and then when you say boat, have a friend start singing and so on. It's pretty neat.
  14. Has anybody been watching this? Last night's episode was amazing. Seemed like the end of Act I.
  15. It's the extra .10 cents that would have been a deal breaker for me. Wow. That's a lot of money. I wouldn't pay that much to see the Beatles reunite. Well, maybe I would. Anyhow, good for him. It's funny to see the industry try to spin this saying that it is bad for people to get free music since they won't have someone to buy it from.
  16. I would say M.Ward. Post War is a great place to start.
  17. Is this post just a trick by Michael Moore to garner support for his hippie communist agenda? Just kidding. The thing about an injury like this is that waiting a week could be bad if something is broken. That could mean the difference between a cast and screws in your arm.
  18. Marketing and advertising is very interesting. Did the other thread get deleted all together?
  19. True. And worse yet, I have not been exposed to any real, comprehensive information about universal health care in Canada or anywhere else for that matter. While compelling, his movie is obviously one-sided and does not go into any detail about how these systems work. He over simplifies any explanations by trying to reiterate that it's "free."
  20. Is that like slavophilia. My friend is a slavofile. He only dates really skinny girls from former soviet countries and the czech republic. True story.
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