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Everything posted by WilcoFan

  1. Don and Mike are having their annual Elvis day. They play tapes of him. Hilarious stuff.
  2. Well, NY is the center of the universe you know.
  3. There's an interview with Milch where he says that he will never do another cop story again. I'll see if I can dig it up. It's like an 1 hour and 40 minute interview a-la "Inside the Actor's Studio" Here it is: http://mitworld.mit.edu/video/383/You will learn some pretty off the wall stuff about Milch including some real-life stuff that went into "John." - Worth the time for Milch fans.
  4. Don't feel sorry for propaganda artists.
  5. Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha
  6. Def 88-92. -- The gangsta rap era. The Villain in Black
  7. It had all of the trademark qualities of a great David Milch show. I think the reason this didn't get another shot at a second season is because Albreitch (sp?) is no longer CEO of HBO. He would have fought for it. Like Deadwood, it was overlooked by most people because the story was not mundane enough.
  8. I'm looking forward to the day when 50 cent and Kanye retire.
  9. :realmad :realmad They better not cancel Flight of ... too!
  10. I love it! I'm just so excited with all of the stock market darting up and down over the last few days that our chocolate rations have increased up from 14g per day to 10 grams per day!
  11. Happy Birthday! 31. I remember when I was 31. That was like... well... a year ago.
  12. Thanks for the article. I really hope this comes back.
  13. Not the 2 straight PGA Championships thread I thought it was going to be.
  14. All was not revealed. I think making a series like this should be like a good book. It should be succinct and worth the effort. This has all of the potential to be that but I feel like we are being strung along for the subscription. Subscription Art.
  15. I try and buy if I like it. If I don't like a leak I delete it and never listen again. I never share them. Why should I ever have to buy a CD I don't like ever again?
  16. The supreme court should be all over this considering it gives unchecked powers to a branch that claims executive privilege for just about everything.
  17. This bill was passed by the congress who is investigating the firings of politically appointed attorneys. So they give Gonzales more power?: http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/08/07/ter...e.ap/index.html
  18. I liked the new album but didn't love it until I saw him in concert @ the 9:30 Club.
  19. I heard recently that even to this day that Rumsfeld still has an office in the pentagon. Is this true?
  20. Now that it does seem inevitable that the show will be canceled, can someone send me some info from the above mentioned thread? I don't want to sign up.
  21. From the article: Are people really this stupid that they cannot understand what this show is about, or the like? Hoopleheads. I love this show but it has been very anemic for several weeks now. I keep waiting for something big to happen and it never really materializes. And after last night's show they said that the season finally was next week, I was shocked because it is only 11 episodes instead of 12. HBO is a bittersweet experience.
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