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Posts posted by WilcoFan

  1. My wife has been using iPower for her business for a few years. They have been pretty good but they just did an upgrade on their servers and she has been having horrible email service and their email forms are not working. So we are looking for somewhere else to go. Does anyone know of any good hosting sites. I'm looking at host monster. Any ideas?

  2. Are they going to be there?



    Ha ha! Believe it or not, they were just interviewed on E! !!!! Jeff was babbling for a couple of seconds there and they were about to pull the plug on them but he was able to save the interview and actually was very interesting!

  3. Fuck that guitar. If guitar manufacturers continue on this path, in ten years, new guitarists won't even bother to learn how tune because their guitar does it for them.



    I suppose we should go back to the days of growing our own wheat, making our own pasta and building our own furniture. Hey we should even start washing our babies diapers too.


    The great thing about technology is that it affords you more time to do what you want to do. Less time is spent on one-offing frameworks, tuning guitars and more time is spent on creating music. I do not view this as a bad thing.

  4. Okay, I have two questions that I hope you guys can help me answer.1. What happened to Leroy Bach after Wilco? I can't seem to find anything about him anywhere. Is he still making music?B. (or 2 for those keeping track): Does anyone have any idea where I could get the version of "Kamera" from IATTBYH? I like the fast upbeat version with Jeff singing in a high register. I have the YHF demos and it's not on there. Any help would surely be appreciated.Thanks,Gabe
    Leroy played or is to play a show in Chicago recently or soon. I think I recall reading something in the Somebody Else's Song forum about 2 weeks ago. Search.
    Leroy played or is to play a show in Chicago recently or soon. I think I recall reading something in the Somebody Else's Song forum about 2 weeks ago. Search.
    Update: Leroy's new project info:
  5. Yes of course! Because you and your wife wanted those babies more than anything.


    An unwanted pregnancy rarely feels like that.


    See, I wish for another option besides abortion. I wish for young girls to be empowered enough to refuse sex. I wish for them to be intuitive enough about their bodies to know when they are fertile. I wish for the power of the uterus to make a fertilized egg slide off of the uterine wall when a baby would be unwanted. I wish for contraception that is safe and fail safe. I wish for all of these things, because it is the non violent solution when pregnancy is not desired.


    To expect people to refrain from sex until they are ready to raise children is wholly unrealistic.


    If I ran the world that's how it would work anyway.


    For the most part, abortion is wholly avoidable - but way overused.



    Maybe these bible bumpers are on to something. I get scared when I channel surf past MTV. Do you realize what kids are being fed on tv in this country? I feel sorry for this next generation of children as it must be difficult to tell the difference between reality and reality tv.

  6. I wasn't making a call about how individuals feel about these issues. Most individuals would probably say that abortion and war are 'neccesary evils' but morally questionable at best. I was pointing out that the legal and cultural leniancy supports war making far more than it does abortion. The legal right to terminate a pregnacy feels tenuous. Legal war making seems deeply entrenched. We might debate the morality of 'This War', but what about WWII? Do we debate the general morality of war in the same way we do abortion?


    The other thing that fails to get mentioned is that pregnancy is, at least for the first trimester, a parasitic relationship. There is no life outside of the mother's permission.


    Abortion is violence. War is violence. I wish neither experience on anyone.



    I've never heard a pregnancy as a parasitic condition. I'm not sure I would agree with that. I can't think of any parasites that are actually created by its own host.

  7. There was a pre-game ceremony on last night before the game with Arethra Franklin. I have not watched tennis in a couple of years. So, tell me, when did tennis turn into the super bowl halftime show?

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