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Posts posted by Autumnteeth

  1. Sorry, didnt mean to confuse anyone, just wondered where the talk of a double album came from ,and are there shelved gems I didn't hear. Jules is right, not enough here to fill a B side let alone an album. Just hoping that there is something they are cradling that didn't come out and that we can hear it eventually. The YHF era was championed by the master of leaks, Jim O Rourke, hoping some stuff being held back.

  2. It sold out in a matter of seconds online. I was on at 10:00 and was locked out at 10:01. no luck for me. oh well. wife said lets go to london.


    Let me know if you guys go. I had the same idea,and my wife said cool. She went to school for two semesters at Brighton Polytech, has friends with a huge house in Central London who said they would love for us to stay, and grab tix, so this could be fun. A Chicago Wilco contingent in London could end years of bad blood if we show them how to do it right. Let me know if you are serious, and these guys have room.

  3. Underwhelmed overall...


    I was excited about an instrumental, but Speak Into the Rose isn't quite what I was hoping for. It's good, but the synth beat sounds just like the one that Mikael uses in the latest live version of Spiders.


    Mid Bar sounds like something they threw out so that the record wouldn't sound too much like alt-country.


    The alt version of Black Moon is nothing interesting at all once you've heard the album version with the strings.


    Underwhelmed Overall sounds like an outlet store version of Oskosh BGosh jeans.


    Your comment is negative as well.


    Think of it in terms of Less Than You Think. You know it's 12 minutes of noise, right? Have you listened to it more than once? I doubt it. I read a few sentences, saw Less Than You Think and didn't bother with the rest of it.


    It's not a very difficult concept to grasp. I just didn't bite on the self-indulgence.


    Hope this helps.


    Don;t even want to search for the cartoon that depicts the dbag saying I can't go to sleep now, something is wrong on the internet.

  5. After listening to the deluxe version it make me wonder about the double album that was rumored about 6 months ago. Clearly there is the material. It sounds like it would have been more low tempo, but I am dying to know if there is an Art of Almost, I Might, Born Alone, Whole Love gem sitting on a shelf somewhere. The lack of demos, or at least my knowledge of a lack of demos, is far different from YHF. So much came out right after the album was leaked, then more when they signed, then at least four alternate versions came out. Dont see that happening here, but eagerly await hearing what was left off.

  6. Yes, Someday, When Roger Fox Dogs comes out, and I can relive the genius with the songs I amTrying To Bake a Tart, Videostillshot, SIRIUS HEALING, Peace on Toast, Buddha, eg, Remnants of Canadian Symbols of Nationilism, School Band Oboist, Im The Dog that Obeys You, Throwing the Baby Out With the Dishwater, Wealthy Alcoves, and I've Got Groupon SAvings, I will like Wilco again. But until I am as smart as the people who tell me I am wrong, I love this album. One day, if I work hard enough, I too can be right, but until then I love the smile this album put on my face while i walk around being wrong about this album. There o willbviously be slow people like me who like it, but dont let that stop the citicism. Roger Fox Dog will be coming out soon.

  7. There has to be a better way to do ticketing. i am convinced each day, the two presale days plus the general sale, were dominated by scalpers. Anyone how wants proof can go to ebay stubhub or other resale markets. One third of the entire seating area of the show was available for sale saturday night. One third. I truly appreciate Wilco's efforts but this makes me sick. 33% being scalped before general sale starts means that real fans will be left out. 1 out of 3 tickets were gone, and onsale online , before the general sale. Add ebay in and I am sure half were gone to scalpers before general sale began, maybe 60%. Want to take my two daughters because need them to see the best band in music today andwant them to know what a great concert is. Will not pay these assholes to steal tickets, profit, and give them more money to buy better software or pay frontgate and ticket master employees off anymore than they do now. I wish someone would step in, search ebay, stubhub, etc., and seize those tickets. Not mad at Wilco at all, but wish the ticket sale companies would crack down on the secondary market. Only thing that I am upset with wilco for is that they know the amount people will pay for wilco tix from scalpers, increase the price to what they can make, and let people who are true fans pay MARKET PRICE. Serisously just wanted 3 in the same place so I can take my daughters to see what the world is missing. Instead, I am going to sit at hime and let corporate clowns who will not find people who want to go leave the opera house 30% unfilled to impress their clients. Still a fan, but will deal with not being able to go so corporate assclowns who would rather be watching in room porn can cut a deal.

  8. Have to agree with not paying these dirtbags. They have software that beats captcha while I have to type nsider afglave they are already in picking their seats. Fudning these morons perpetuates the douchebaggery. The software they use is offensive, and the hassle itis to get a ticket is wrong. I am sorryI willend up missing this show, and truly apeciate every effort wilco made to stop these ass clowns, Can't argue with people who are going to stub hub, Wilco is great, but wont do it myself. I owould feel cheap, like I was violating the Wilco spirit, if I suported the scum. The money they made on my purchase wouldgo ofund their next software assault on tickets, making me even ore locked out.

  9. Listening to this song over and over and love it even more. There is a Pink Floyd, Flaming Lips feel to this, but it wraps up in classic Wilco style. I thnik this is the Fort Sumpter of this album, a shot over the bow that announces that the criticism is off base and welcome to Wilco. I can't wait to hear this one live at the Civic Opera in Chicago.

  10. Been a slow day at Casa Crow...d-man at work, downtown taking care of some family business...so I thought I would put some thoughts that have been knocking around in my head for a while. Laying it out, because that's what we do here. A bit elevated over navel gazing.


    First of all, none of this should be taken as some sort of negative position. (I won't tack imho in front of the statements of opinion here...all this is my opinion.)


    Jeff is probably the most lyrical songwriter in the craft to day. It is certainly a matter of opinion and taste, and I won't argue against anybody else's choices; but Jeff is Dylanesque is his ability to craft images that are abstract and concrete; emotional and alienated. He is able to write from a personal standpoint; as a narrator; as an unreliable narrator; as a reporter and as the chaotic, stream of thought poet. There's a little of something for everyone in the lyrical content.


    That being said (and firmly believed), it is also apparent to me that, at the very core of the matter, Jeff works best in a collaborative manner when it comes to his music. Wilco's best records have been produced in a collaborative framework...collaborations with significant partners. While it is always Jeff's vision, he shines when he has a partner in crime. Jeff is the troubador poet in his solo outings...not giving a slightly different take on what his band does (like Jay Farrar).


    A.M., for all its charms, could have been the fifth Uncle Tupelo record. It's basically Anodyne redux without Jay Farrar's songs. Jeff could have easily followed in the mode of Gary Louris and kept the Uncle Tupelo brand without too much outcry from the fans or the press. (I know the financial reasons why that band continued to be the Jayhawks, but that’s not the point.) While I love AM (as it is my entry point into the music of Jeff Tweedy), it stands alone in the Wilco canon. For better or worse, Jeff has been trying to break the labels and expectations that AM set for the band and for him personally.


    Being There and Summerteeth are very obviously children of the collaboration between Jeff and Jay. The sonic landscapes are heavily influenced by Jay, but the songs would simply not work without Jeff's vision. It's Jeff's band, but he found a co-conspirator in his quest to reinvent his sound. Sunken Treasure, Via Chicago and Misunderstood would have still cut to the quick even without the musical quirks, but the musical quirks are what make these songs memorable.


    I think if we are really critical and look at the big picture, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot could have been a disaster. It is still leaves me flabbergasted when I read that Jim O'Rourke actually stripped much of Jay's noise collages off of the final mix...and the record company hated THAT version. YHF, as it ended up, is the perfect mix of art and artifice, of melody and noise. However, Jeff was growing uncomfortable in his partnership with Jay. Jeff found a new musical soul mate in Glenn and a kindred spirit in Jim O'Rourke, and he found that he no longer needed Jay's input nor could tolerate his mercurial personality. The scene in I am Trying to Break your heart with the mixing of Heavy Metal Drummer is uncomfortable, but the scene before the show at Grant Park I even more telling. Jay had worn out his welcome and was totally alienated from the rest of the band...and he was unaware and unable to change.


    A Ghost is Born is Jeff working in a new role in the band...lead guitarist. Jim was a significant collaborator on AGiB playing, producing and arranging. For my taste, AGiB is Wilco (and Jeff) at its (his) very best. Jeff writing beautiful melodies and lyrics and being egged on as a guitarist and in experimentation by Jim. I expected that Leroy would have assumed a more collaborative relationship for this record, but apparently his muse lay elsewhere.


    The addition of Nels and Pat added some real heft to the touring incarnation of the band. From the shows I've heard, the shows in 2004 and 2006 were outrageously energetic and musical. The earlier incarnations of Wilco were certainly capable of producing transcendent musical moments, but there seemed to be a bit of the slapdash in those shows.


    Sky Blue Sky and Wilco (The Album) are simply divisive for the fans. The song craft is exceptional on these records, but (from what I can gather) fans here seem to feel let down for one reason or another. In my mind, Wilco (TA) is the stronger of the two records. SBS seemed to be Jeff wanting to recording in the mode of The Band, taking a decided step away from the heavily produced and manipulated songs on the previous two records. SBS has always been a record about SMALL town America; a record about the drama of everyday issues and emotion; a record of acceptance and resignation; a pastoral record. (How many more ways can I say that this is a record about the small personal issues....personal dramas?) And if Jeff had decided to lead off SBS with What Light or Walken, or even Side with Seeds maybe it would have set a different tone for the perception of the record.


    I can honestly see why some people hate Wilco (the Album) and some love it. The songs really don't have a recognizable, unifying theme (that I can identify) that the previous records seemed to follow. But the song craft is certainly as good as ever. The way the record was recorded was probably not conducive to much collaboration...the core four recording in New Zealand in an unfamiliar studio with overdubs from Mike and Nels at a later point in time. It was a record of good songs. If Bull Black Nova had been the lead off track for this record, it would have really set a different tone for the proceedings. Pat was more involved in the mixing of this record, stepping up. Jeff recgonizes the strengths of his band mates and really utilizes their talents to the fullest. There are some on here who really seem to have a hard on for Pat. While his role in the band is divisive for some, the way things worked out, he fits the role that Jay filled instrumentally. Leroy, for all his contributions, never seemed to solidify into more than a sideman. This is probably just my perception here, but he left the band at a key moment, apparetnly unwilling to be a road warrior. Nels' addition is the step forward for this band in a musical sense. He adds a weapon that this band never had. He seems to relish the role of the ultimate gun slinging sideman. After he joined the band, I expected some sort of gonzo collaboration between Jeff and Nels, but it became something better. His role was not to be the of- the-wall shredder, yet his role also turned out to be more than the lead guitarist standing around with a plectrum waiting for his turn at a solo.


    Having had The Whole Love for a day and being exposed to the stream for a couple of weeks, the production on this record shines. The songs are wonderful, this goes without saying. The production is not as showy as it is on Summerteeth, but more moving to the enhancement of the songs and not a means to an end. Don't take this as a slam on Summerteeth...l absolutely LOVE Summerteeth. It is the one Wilco record that I can honestly say I have loved without reservation from the first listen to right now. But the production values are very apparent on Summerteeth. There is exuberance on Summerteeth that is charming in its Kitchen sink approach. One keyboard overdub is good…six would be better! To my ears, Summerteeth has always been a combination of Smile era Beach Boys and Blonde on Blonde era Dylan. I'll say it again... to think that this band had Summerteeth and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot on its resume and still got dropped from its record company contract is unfathomable to me.


    Pat has been given a co-producer's credit on this one,and in a happy convergence of events, the Whole Love is the strongest Wilco record in 10 years. The only difference in this record and W(TA) is the most basic sense is the elevated position of Pat. The baroque, Beatlesque feel for Sunloathe are something this band has never really approached with this amount of proficiency. And the Art of Almost could have easily been a kitchen sink pastiche of all the experimental Wilcotricks; but instead it became a tour de force for the band. On this record the drum sounds bite and are clear, the keyboards ebb and flow beautifully and the guitars crunch where needed and cruise along where warranted.


    This Wilco thing keeps getting better and better. This band manages to challenge and soothe on the same record...sometimes in the same song. I feel really, really excited about what is to come with this band. It's ok to look at the past as long as it's over your shoulder as you move forward. And I think Jeff is really excited about the way things are going.


    It is still Jeff's band, Jeff's songs, Jeff's vision and Jeff's plan. It always has been, and always will be. However, I think he has found a worthy collaborator for this stage of the band in enhancing his vision and bringing his muse to the fore.


    I can't find fault with this. I love The Whole Love, but the thing that hit me the most was the comment that you were stunned YHF was stripped by O'Rourke. I honestly thought those were his sounds, and a raw, almost accoustic album, was fuzzed up by a master. And I still believe that this is the Wilco version of the Brian Wilson vision of Smile. This album is a celebration, a sort of sonic smile to rely upon after the sonic shoulder to cry on, and when I listen to the album again this post will resonate in my head. Thanks for a well thought out jaunt down Wilco way.

  11. Took my daughters, 7 and 11 at the time , to a jeff show 4 years ago. He has a way with a crowd when he plays by himself, almost like a teacher. He admonished a member of the crowd for talking during a song, used my girls as an example of how to behave to some nitwit who was shouting out Cubs rule,and on our way out a guy from the management company came up to them, saif Jeff Tweedy thanked them for behaving, and gave them a vinyl copy of sky blue sky each, two tshirts, correct size, a poster each, and tote bags. I couldnt hear what he was saying, I was worried he was a creep, but caught the end. My youngest said please tell Mr. Tweedy we aren't allowed to accept gifts. The guy was totally cool, said the value of the gifts was $2.00 each, and if they make a donation to any one of the things they find on the wilco website under the wilco gives part of the website and they will more than pay for it. As soon as we got home I had to get online, but before I made the donation they figured out the real value of the items and had to donate 50 each to the charities of their choice. He made two lifelong wilco fans. Mydaughters are now 11 and 15, and think of Mr Tweedy as I thought of Eric Clapton, George HArrision, John Lennon, and any other rock hero that didnt make me feel like shit like my favorite White Sox,Dick Allen did, when I asked him for an autograph and he said Go F yourself, I sign for 20 dollars, get it from your parents.


    Honestly, my kids didn't even cough. They seemed to get the vibe better than adults did. The vibe was this is a treat, you are among the presence of greatness,and being rude is unacceptable. I have been to enough shows and watched adults make complete imbecillies out of themselves while kids behaved better than their parents. Sounds like your kid is interested, and they will walk awy with alesson in how to behave,and you will walk away proud.

  12. I would also like tickets to this show which isn't on sale yet.


    Should have tried frontgate maybe? Just saying.


    Autumnteeth, be glad to buy that ticket from you if still available.


    I will send you a pm. Great seat,row k, seat 103. I was able to put together a couple so I could take my daughter. Check out the seat on the chart, let me know, and I will meet you out front. I have to pick it up because thursday presale was photo id only. All yours if you think the seat works for you. Just let me know.,

  13. Scalpers are just straight up bad people. eBay is LOADED with tickets already. This is why I live in Chicago and have only seen them twice here, UIC both shows.


    and UIC was the venue they had to give away tix. My score of a lifetime was the winter residency package. That only because I spent money I shouldnt have on the whole package. Still paying it off.

  14. If the purpose of art is to inspire discussion at the very least this album has earned the achievement unlocked status. A week or so ago I posted about how much I love this album and the comments were mixed, but the antil TWL contingent was far more vocal. And angry. THe more I listened to it, the more I loved it. I like it even more now. Some of the angry people are waiting for a remake of YHF. Wilco did that album, it is behid them, and this is where they are now. And I couldn't agree more, this is a masterpiece.


    No kidding! I inadvertently got attacked over there for saying Wilco's melodic pop songs are brilliant...there's still pissing and moaning about no more A.M., no more "unpretentious twang." Someone said "when I heard 'Less Than You Think,' I heard all I needed to hear to determine where Wilco was going." Sheesh.


    I forgot what I was reading on the site it reminded me of Spinal Tap Mach 2. If I had never heard Wilco I would have thought they were a jazz band playing sets on Saturday's in a Super Target parking lot. See Wilco, get a funnel cake, $2.00

  16. They did do large venues in 2009. Caught both shows at UIC, and the second one had some empty seats. I am cool with the two ticket concept, and adhered to it. AS I said on other threads, though, I was counting on this two per thing benefitting wilco fans, not scalpers. Went on stubhub and and am disgusted by the four in a row packages, 8 in one box offers, etc. These arent the fans I was hoping would benefit. These are money grubbing swine. I really needed three so I could take both daughters, but like most on this board realize that if we spread the love by buying two more of us can go. In the end, however, a lot of people will be stuck paying ridiculous costs to swine with captcha breaking software. I don't want to sound lik I am bitching, because even though I am I truly appreciate the time and effort Wilco put in to trying to stop this. There is only so much they can do, and I believe they did even more than they should. It just sucks that someone who never heard of wilco is going to pocket 200 a ticket for the 40 or 50 tickets they were able to snake. FU Eric Soderholm. JAckass.

  17. I'm quite frustrated right now. I wanted to get my brother and his fiancee Wilco tickets for Minneapolis as a birthday gift. Got on there at noon, floor seats came up, and when i clicked continue with purchase, a ticketmaster error popped up and the tickets were gone. Now it's sold out. Fantastic! can't wait to see those seats on stubhub. what a joke


    I am still in limbo on a ticket I don't know if i bought or didnt. I go through the whole nightmare, typed bfsndne gabbler on captcha, get one ticket, go through the screens,get to the final one, and hit submit. Waited for three minutes. Got an email from ticketmaster, saying here is your ticket, but on the screen got a message there is a problem with your order. I got back in, got another, but gave it up when I realized if I did get the first one then I would be over the limit and lose all of them.


    The thing that makes me mad is I am not a scalper. I am a father of two daughters who love Wilco and this is their big Christmas gift, I emailed ticket master, and got an awesome response back: Due to the high volume of emails due to ticketing problems we will not be able to respond to you. great. This is now how I am going to live my life. Due to the major screw up I made I will not be responding to complaints about bad CHECK ONE: WORK, PARENTING, SPOUSING.


    I see all the stuff on stub hub and am not happy. Still, I am happy Wilco got involved and has taken measures to stop it. My solution is if it is seen on stubhub, etc. it is taken back and resold. Can't encourage the scalpers so I will keep trying legit means.

  18. We could not process your ticket request:

      Why did this occur?
      • Your ticket request exceeded the published ticket limit for this event.
      • This purchase combined with your previous purchases for this event exceeds the published ticket limit

      Ticketmaster - How did I exceed the "ticket request" when the the quantity per person is set @ 4? And how does my non-purchase exceed my "previous" non-purchase since I've been locked out of your system since 10:00:15 AM?



      Ticketmaster - Why?


    I got this also. Pissed. I would have tried for two. Ended up with two in row q, lower balcony. I have heard it is a very intimate place, no seat is a bad seat, but was shut out thursday, got one ticket and then two friday (got two at 10:18) and nothing today. I promised my two daughters i would take them. Something stinks about the ticket distribution. Wilco can only do so much, and I love the fact they take their fans interest seriously, but I think scalpers are always one step ahead. Sickby what I see on stub hub and ebay now. I wouldmuch prefer three tickets together, my daughters are 11 and 16, but refuse to give the scalping scum the license, encouragement, and funds to do it to me next time. Really unhappy though. While I was battling captcha some dirtbag with software that can beat captcha and whatever else they throw at these guys.

  19. are you with me Dr. Hu?

    or are you really just a shadow of the man that I once knew?

    are you crazy?

    are you high?

    are you just an ordinary guy?

    have you done all you can do?

    are you with me, doctor?

    can you hear me, doctor?





    (Wilco is repped by this guy -- he's who you should contact)


    Hope this was the minutemen version. I can hear mike watt in the back of my head.

  20. Where Wilco was able to change and get better, the loss of Bill Berry was like a knife to the heart. Some good stuff after he left, Think At My Most Beautiful is one of the best and mos heartfelt love songs ever written, Berry, Buck, Mills, Stipe was the lineup that produced some of the greatest music of two decades. I think people owe them a huge debt of gratitude for paving the way for modern music. It is no coincidence Peter Buck brought Uncle Tupelo to his house to record MArch 16-23. I think he saw something of himself, and REM, in Uncle Tupelo, and gave them the cover to grow when they could have sold out. Thanks for 30 great years,


    The interview in Rolling Stone was a bit depressing. He was clearly unaware that the doctor had told him he had Alzheimers.


    A colleauge just gave me this one to check out:




    The Vaccines album was good, first time in a while I was excited to listen to an entire album a second time. Heard Glen Campbell talking about Jimmy Webb in an interview and he had to ask who he was talking about. 40 years ago he took Jimmy Webb tunes and brought them to the world, today he doesn't even know his own work. This is a real tragedy, and in the end I hope people remembe Glen Campbell for who he was, or is, for that matter. A sad story, but the band plays on.

  22. Can't believe it is 20 years since Nevermind and Ten. The first Pearl Jam song I ever heard was alive, but grew to love this whole album. Nirvana's album was great also. It makes me wonder, however, about the current state of music. When these albums came out it was the twentieth, or close to, anniversary of Sticky Fingers. I remembe a mention on a classic rock station, but nowhere near the hype we see for Pearl Jam, Nirvana, etc. There is a lot of good music out now, but few people are exposed to it. FM radio isnt he same, and limits what we hear and how we hear it. Same complaint I m sure that was heard in 71, and 91, but it is next to impossible to be heard now. If there was no Uncle Tupelo, where would wilco be? I cant believe some grunge AOR guy would even give AM a second listen. As it happens, though, I cant wait for the ten year of the release of YHF. Everytime music has been on its deathbed, a band or two came along to save it. The Doors, REM, U2, The Minutemen, Nirvana, to a degree Pearl Jam, Wilco.... Just wonderiing out loud if I am missing the future and too old to find the new band, or has music fallen into a funk again. Again, just thinking out loud, but The Whole Love would have been a great album in a sea of great albums 20 years ago. Today, it is all there is, Maybe I am just getting old.

  23. Decided to break out the wallet and go to StubHub. Got Mezzanine 3, row C. Expensive, but worth it for my sons first Wilco show!


    I've now got 2 GA tickets I'll be listing here on VC


    Have to do the same thing for my daughters. Want them to see a great band before they get burned by inferior bands as they get older. I am working on finding thre or four together for Chicago on subhub. On presale best I could do was one ticket. Stubhub? Six in a row, in a box, 475 each. Pissed. Somehow scalpers can beat any safety measures put up. The two ticket limit, plus captcha, locked me out. It was the perfect setup with software to pop captcha did better than we did. Dirtbags.

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