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Posts posted by -seven

  1. Capitol City is the only one that I'm not diggin'. Everything else I've either liked immediately or has grown on me. Not that one though. I'm trying but...as much as I love Wilco, that's just an awful song. It sounds to me like it could be part of a soundtrack for a Dudley Moore film or something. Ack. It's bad.


    I met him and talked to him for a couple minutes once without even realizing who it was. A band I was in had played a CMJ show at The Cooler. After the show we were going to stay at a friend's apartment, and she knew MIke D. I don't know if he was at the show, or just passing by, but he stopped to talk to her (and by extension, us). I was bummed after I found out it was him, because that was the height of my Beastie Boys fandom. He seemed like just some normal random guy. If I hadn't been exhausted from driving all day and doing the typical rock show routine of drink/load/drink/play/drink/unload/drink all night I might have recognized him.


    Well, I'll confess that I didn't recognize him either for a long time. He came in to the cafe' numerous times before I realized it was him.

  3. I'm using this app and have a problem opening a thread and then getting to the end of the thread without having to page all the way through. This can be a real problem on very long threads. Am I missing something? Is there a way to skip to the end?

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