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Radiant Witch Face

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Everything posted by Radiant Witch Face

  1. absolutely not, especially if I have to look at it. I picked up every sack that he dumped and put it in our garbage. the only reason why he did it is because his lazy ass son couldn't drag the trash out to the curb while my husband and I were on vacation.
  2. should I ask my 85 year old landlord why he threw garbage into the alley behind our house?
  3. today is the first day of the rest of my life!
  4. why do I feel like I might puke and crap in my pants at the same time?
  5. I think Tim Robbins has a serious case of arrested development. that would be a good reason to split up.
  6. http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2008/08/wilco_mccarren.html
  7. Tim Robbins was more than drunk at this show. he was high on something and spazzing out like he was going into seizure. security was watching him, his significant other was hovering over him as he lay on the floor. it was quite the scene.
  8. not at a Wilco concert, but he "apparently" posted here as Radio Kills. I witnessed him being extremely inebriated at a show, with his then mate Susan Sarandon by his side and trying to hold him up. when I vaguely mentioned it here, without actually mentioning his name mind you, I received a nasty PM from Radio Kills about it. people can believe me or not, but I still think it was him.
  9. but we already have one of those. I just want Jeff to know who I am and dedicate a song to me. is that asking too much?
  10. uh, flick. I haven't been able to log in as flick in a long time. it wouldn't let me do it after the board crashed a couple of years ago.
  11. I mean, I think about him all the time and have almost all of their records, not to mention the Wilco book. plus I'm the famous Flick. FLICK FOR GOD'S SAKE!
  12. the homeless population in NYC is atrocious. 22,000 children are homeless in the city. thanks Michael Bloomberg! I'll be so glad when you're gone and I hope the new mayor can do something to help the homeless situation.
  13. just over one week and it's here. I'm more excited about Winter Solstice on the 21st so we'll have more daylight hours. I know I've already mentioned this, but again, I'm excited about it!
  14. this is truly stupid. if I were a parent I would be enraged. I guess kids shouldn't try to be nice or anything.
  15. while I hope to be my own boss someday soon, I've been at my current job for almost 11 years and I have a great boss. we're the same age, she respects the job I do, etc. however, the firm is cheap, cheap, cheap.
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