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Radiant Witch Face

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Everything posted by Radiant Witch Face

  1. today we're having our office Christmas dinner. however, I may not be able to attend as I am having the worst back pain ever. so it goes.
  2. today is the greatest day I'll ever know.
  3. 60-70 degrees higher or lower?
  4. one movie DeNiro was recently in that's very good is Being Flynn with Paul Dano. not exactly uplifting, but a great movie.
  5. I'm sad that I can't say Robert De Niro. everything he's in lately is crap.
  6. do you think anyone will notice if I do some yoga poses during today's conference call that I don't want to participate in in the first place?
  7. my neighbor keeps their lights up year 'round. I chalk it up to laziness.
  8. yeah, it's kind of the real beginning of winter and personally pushes me into the winter doldrums even further than I already am. we put up our tree yesterday. it was kind of nice. have lights up outside. I'm ready for Winter Solstice so we have more daylight; the extra darkness is a killer!
  9. my cat Pookie, my outdoor cats, and all of the animals at the shelter where I volunteer. they enrich my life and I do my best to make theirs more comfortable. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to do that.
  10. I love John Prine. great songwriter, humble...I hope he makes it through.
  11. I enjoy the days off, that's certainly a plus. I have some friends that may be coming to the city to visit, so that will be nice. I think the main reason why I started this thread is because I miss my family. the holidays are not the same without them and it's always a big get together with extended family. like I said, they're 1,000 miles away and no one can afford to make the trip to visit either way. I love being with my husband and we make Thanksgiving and Christmas our own with gifts and food. I really want to just get on with it and begin the new year. it's been a difficult year and I'll
  12. Dear Jude, I do positive things for others year round, not just during the holidays. thinking of others shouldn't be segregated into one part of the year. thank you.
  13. my family is over 1,000 miles away and there is never any effort for any of them to come visit me and we can't afford to go to them. Christmas music sucks. I hate winter. I find no joy or happiness in a time of year where darkness rules. not everyone likes the holidays and I'm just one of those people. I don't have grandparents, I don't have kids. I'm not "doing it wrong," it's just not a time of year that I don't find pleasurable anymore. maybe when I was kid it was good. now it's just lonely and a current reflection of a terrible year.
  14. there, I said it. it's just another reason to spend money you don't have on bs stuff that won't be used. I haven't found any joy in the holiday season in years. it's just a bunch of fake crap. anyone else feel this way?
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