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Everything posted by dianne727

  1. Free to first two responses (or the first one if you want all 4) One pair left to any takers.
  2. I would agree. It was a good show, but after the Tucson show, it paled a little. I was up in the balcony (my first time not seeing them from up close - wah, wah. so spoiled, I know.) and it felt like date night up there. Everyone stayed seated and didn't even really seem to be enjoying themselves. Except the awesome usher who was 80 if she was a day, who was dancing during the show and asked me about the songs afterwards. The one bonus about sitting up there was that it was the first time I could really see Mikael and Glenn during the show. Sweet baby cheeses, Glenn is amazing. I was happy
  3. Glen Phillips / Toad the Wet Sprocket - 95% Ryan Adams - 70% (There's too much crap, but the good stuff is so damn good) Teitur - 98% Conor Oberst / Bright Eyes - 85% Death Cab - 85% Josh Ritter - 85% Andrew Bird - 85%
  4. the show blew me away. i agree that the energy was way better once everyone finally stood up. my nerves almost feel electrified that's how much i enjoyed the show.
  5. yeah, I heard from a friend who is on the crew that there are going to be Australia and NZ dates.
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