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Passenger Sid

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Posts posted by Passenger Sid

  1. They do not have a mandate to do whatever they want. 


    Trump can CHOOSE to be gracious and try to find middle ground. But he CAN do whatever he...and the Republican Congress...wants to do. He's gonna end up with 306 electoral votes, which isn't dominant, but pretty convincing.


    Clinton DID win the popular vote by over 600K. Amazingly, she beat Trump by over 2.4 million votes in California. Take away LA County, and Clinton loses the popular vote by 500K. 


    Take away Manhattan island and the Bronx and she loses the popular vote. (In Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn, Clinton won over 80% of the vote! In those 4 counties, she beat Trump by over 1.5 million votes!)


    The popular vote is SOMETHING, but I think this year's election shows why the electoral system is a good one.

  2. That is a way to look at things.  Or another way to look at things is they are expressing their first amendment rights to speak out against something they disagree with.  


    People are scared, people are worried.  The rhetoric of the campaign told a large swath of this country that they are less important.  To blindly dismiss them as babies, does a disservice to America as a whole.  But our insular world view automatically rejects those we disagree with, instead of understanding why we disagree with them.   


    I've got zero problem with people peacefully protesting. I just think it's kinda sour grapes. He didn't cheat his way to victory. He won. Sucks for those who despise him, but that's too bad. It appears many millennials, among other groups, chose to not vote. Perhaps, if they were THAT fearful of a Trump presidency, they shoulda got to the polls. In 4 years, they'll get the chance to vote Trump out.

  3. My favorite Wilco album. I miss Jay Bennett.


    Pretty much agree. Summer teeth and Being There are both outstanding for me (these 2, the Mermaid records, and the YHF demos was an incredible creative stretch for Wilco).


    And, for me as, a selfish listener and not a member of the band, I wish Bennett and Tweedy coulda put more records out. Much more importantly, I wish Bennett coulda got through whatever it was that led to his demise.

  4. Morrissey's most recent record is really good.  I can't decide which and how many of his new songs would shove out my original Top 5 Morrissey songs. So I'll list my 5 favorite "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" songs:


    1. I'm Not A Man

    2. Staircase At The University

    3. Mountjoy

    4. Oboe Concerto

    5. Art Hounds

  5. Really love this dude...


    "I'll stand here with my southern accent and say, 'Fuck you, Donald Trump. You do not speak for me. You do not speak for my family. You do not speak for my values. You do not speak for my vision of what this country could and should be.'"


    Butthead: Huh huh huh. He said 'fuck you' to Trump'.


    Bevis: He he yeah. Patterson's cool.

  6. What did you expect?  DBT has made no bones about being quite liberal...especially for the south.  Really, what's it gonna take to get people thinking?  Ironically, this record will only serve to entrench conservative fans' views even more.  


    I have to say that I am forever grateful for their music and message.  I'm a yankee who came to Atlanta, Georgia in the late 90s. Not only am I not scared of Black folks anymore, I'm also aware of the duality of southern thing.  The south has it's shadow side, but has suffered quite a bit and has not recovered...to some extent.  It's as if the south is supposed to fix all of the nation's problems.  Of course more could be said.  The music has really opened my mind.  I was ready for it though.


    It has nothing to do with Liberal or Conservative. I just think it's way too preachy. "What It Means" is a doozy of an eye-roller.


    "Puttin' People On The Moon" could be considered a great political song. "Sands Of Iwo Jima" and "Used To Be A Cop" also. But I like them cause their sympathetic, mini stories about characters. They don't seem as cliched. Songs like "Zip City", "Space City", "Danko/Manuel", "Ronnie & Neil", "Decoration Day", "Where's Eddie", "Pulaski", "Primer Coat", I could go on.

  7. My exact words were, "I'm 'undecided', but the condescending tone of Mrs. Clinton...as well as most Democrat/liberal voters....towards Republican voters MIGHT be enough to make me go vote Trump."


    "MIGHT" is bolded. It was a little tongue in cheek. Combining Obama's arrogance and dismissal of Trump, and Obama's seeming unawareness that he himself could possibly be causing any of the country's divide, along with Hillary's laughing-off of those who oppose her, is a bit irritating. There ARE people out here who wonder what it might be like to NOT have another 4 years of Obama, which is essentially what Hillary offers.


    Trump seems narcissistic. And his rally personality is VERY hard to like. But I think he's a good guy. In one-on-one conversations he seems real. He seems to genuinely like people. Hillary doesn't seem to. The way Hillary speaks sounds like a mother telling you to go clean your room or go do your homework. That's not why I wouldn't vote for her, but it's impossible to overlook. I wasn't the biggest Bill Clinton fan, but that guy can connect! He has a true gift of communicating and leading. Obama's similar from a speaking standpoint, but I don't think Obama has the best leadership skills. Hillary has NEITHER skill in my opinion. She's on the far left spectrum of life issues, which is a little opposite of myself. I also don't trust her. Her bumbling of the server and emails and handling of information is concerning. She lumped half of the people voting for Trump into a basket of racists and homophobes and Islamaphobes, etc. I saw Bono on Charlie Rose. Bono  seems a good guy. Or at least TRIES to be a good guy. He's scared to death of a Trump victory. He said he's close to voicing his opinion which he claims he HATES doing. He doesnt want to tell people how to vote. He CLEARLY wants Clinton to win. But even he acknowledged that Trump voters shouldn't be discounted or ridiculed. Bono said their discontent is real. Bono doesn't think Trump is the answer, but admitted that the country has a few problems and he understands those who feel they need a change. For many, Trump IS that change....and for most of those people, they understand that's a little bit a roll of the dice. 


    I think a Hillary presidency would do better at making ALL people feel loved....or at least she and the media would sell that belief FAR better than Trump would. Regardless, it'd be a GOOD thing.


    I think a Trump presidency would be interesting. I don't think he'd piss off foreign leaders and start World War 3 like many would have you believe. He hasn't sold me at all, but I gotta admit it's pretty freaking impressive how he made shambles out of his Republican opposition, and has now made the Presidential race a near toss-up, when most assumed Hillary would win going away.

  8. I think we're missing her tactic here. When she said "half", that gave people who don't like to see themselves as xenophobes (or who actually know what the word means) a chance to say "That's not me, but some of those other guys.... ew." That might be a way to nudge a Republican who was holding their nose and fighting back vomit to stop short of pulling the cheetoh colored lever.


    The tone of your email fits how I feel MANY Democrats think of Conservatives....they're dumb (don't know what xenophobe means) and fat (Cheetos reference).


    I'm "undecided", but the condescending tone of Mrs. Clinton...as well as most Democrat/liberal voters....towards Republican voters MIGHT be enough to make me go vote Trump. I think many others feel the same way. 


    There are MANY educated, not-fat voters who are GENUINELY perplexed. For MANY, Trump ain't no joke....and it's almost 100% because Hillary is the other choice. She is FAR from a candidate to WANT to go vote for. Compared to her husband, she has the charisma and likability of a bag of rocks.


    What would all Wilco fans think if Candidate X said he/she would put HALF of all Wilco fans in a "basket of deplorables...fans of Backstreet Boys, fans of Michael McDonald, fans of Phil Collins solo material, and fans of Barry Manillow". I'd be offended even though I despise 3 of those artists (Manillow's great in my book). Hillary may have said "HALF", but nearly ALL are likely offended by the comment.

  9. Sorry, I am going to come off like a butthole. Well, I guess I am a butthole, so who cares? I pay good money to listen to bands, not hear other buttholes yell things or have conversations during songs. Just sayin'

    People don't shout at movies or talk during movies and movies are relatively cheaper than concerts...


    Conversing DURING a song SHOULD be a no-no, like sitting in a movie theater. But shouting out between songs, to me, is fair game. It's similar to shouting positive or negative things at a baseball game after each pitch/hit/play. 

  10. I want our president to be a uniter. She's going to be the president of the deplorables too. She can call homophobia, islamophobia, xenophobia, etc. all deplorable without saying that those people themselves are deplorable. 


    I like that.


    Also, the extreme wacky right don't hold a monopoly on being "deplorable". It could be argued that many on the extreme left fall in the same category.


    I know people who will vote for Trump. To my knowledge, they are NONE of the labels listed above. I think it's greatly unfair and somewhat offensive. Personally, I think many feel Obama isn't a strong leader. They are forced to decide between 2 not-great candidates. Many think Trump is the stronger of the 2.

  11. Michel Gondry made a really cool video for the wonderful new song "City Lights" off of Jack White's acoustic recordings. 






    Jack White also sang on Jimmy Fallon last Friday...."Love Is The Truth" (penned for Coca-Cola) and an emotional rendition of "You've Got Her In Your Pocket".







  12. This is what I'm grappling with (a lot of people feel the way you do): Why is it especially disrespectful at an NFL game? Is the NFL American church? Would it be easier to accept at a soccer game?


    The NFL does a GREAT job of honoring veterans. Maybe it's partly because it's a physical sport and almost military-ish in how teams are run. Many, if not all teams, often have fly-overs using stealth bombers before the game while honoring veterans. To me....maybe I'm in the minority...the national anthem before a football game feels like a tribute to those who fought and fight for our country. That's all I think about...my dad or grandpa or family member or friend who was or is in the military.


    I think the NFL should, like the NBA, instruct all players they must stand. But they don't. Kaepernick has his right to sit. And I....and many others...have the right to be offended by it. 


    Gonna be VERY interesting tomorrow if Seattle sits, as I've heard they will. Sitting on the 15th anniversary of 9/11 is, in my opinion, not cool. 

  13. Once at a football game, I had just finished talking with a friend, and spaced out the fact that I had a cap on my head as the national anthem started.


    A guy in front me, VERY angrily, said "remove your hat...show some respect"!


    It kind of rattled me and pissed me off for a second. I had no ill intent. At all.


    But thinking about it, I quickly appreciated what he said.


    I have no problem with Kaepernick or whoever wanting to shine a light on injustice. I just think sitting during the national anthem specifically, especially during an NFL game, is disrespectful, and I have no problem with people booing him. 


    It's cool he's giving LOTS of money to groups that support his cause. I think all of his jersey sales....the 3rd highest...are going to groups as well. I think it'd be cool, and wise of him to also give money to veterans groups. 


    Or maybe a better way to draw attention to his cause....he should WEAR HIS HELMET during game play.....y'know, because he'd normally be holding his helmet at his side while holding a clip board.

  14. Right now, if I had to make a silly ranking amongst Wilco records, it'd make my top half:


    1. Summerteeth - "Quirky"

    2. Being There - "Antique"

    3. A Ghost Is Born - "Real"

    4. YHF - "Cohesive"

    5. Schmilco - "Impressive"

    6. Sky Blue Sky - "Pretty"

    7. A.M. - "Comfortable"

    8. The Whole Love - "Parts"

    9. Star Wars - "Aggressive"

    10. Wilco (The Album) - "Variety"

  15. Both Stereogum and Rolling Stone think Tweedy's lyrics reference Trump...."We Aren't The World" (Stereogum thinks he's singing about a "tough-guy" candidate like Reagan or Trump) and "Cry All Day" (Rolling Stone thinks the liberal Tweedy is singing about Trump supporters). 


    I've listened to the record many times and NEVER thought of ANY political candidate. Now maybe I will. Crap. Thanks critics. (Not.)

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