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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. The sequal to bobbob flashes gang signs. And yes, that is by far the coolest shirt in the world.
  2. Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for African American compared to European American.
  3. Dear Caliben, My hat is dirty, and it smells a little bit. How should I go about cleaning it without making it shrink? Sincerely, b2132
  4. Last night was wild. My roommate brough a girl into our room, so I assume he was doing something indecent with her. So I left the room (it's 4 am, mind you, and I had class at 11). He's in there for so long that a bunch of people and I went to Denny's, had a meal, cam back and he was still in there. Finally at about 6 they get out, and he tells me they were talking the whole time. I believe him because I think he's too stupid to tell a lie. Well, that pissed me off. I didn't get to sleep because he was talking. I'm fine with not sleeping if he's doing something I don't need to see, but o
  5. Dr. Caliber, Is "Rosalita" a better song than "Thunder Road"; subquestion, who is foxier, Rosalita, or Mary?
  6. No, it was just me trying to make a funny. I failed.
  7. I haven't weighed myself, but I've probably lost a few pounds, as I'm eating less and exercising more, so I'd guessing I've lost weight.
  8. I'm listening to Green Day at loud volumes right now. It somehow seems to help. I'm not entirely sure what that means, as nothing is tangibly wrong, I just don't feel right, and Green Day seems to help.
  9. That was my point. Of course, I do not ever call girls bitches. At least, no more than I call guys bitches.
  10. I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
  11. When Jeff Conine came back to Florida as a member of the Phillies I yelled "Judas" at him. Nobody got the Bob Dylan reference.
  12. I've met almost everyone in the hall. The only one's I haven't are the total recluses who spend all their time in their dorms, and they don't count.
  13. I am the center/tight end for the Panther Hall Warriors flag football team. Our first game is next wednesday. Represent. There's some really lame Ice cream social thing happening downstairs. I think I'm going to skip it. My roommate wants to go buy some alcohol, so I may drive him to the store. Unfortunately, I will not be inebriated as I have a test in the morning.
  14. This is by far the worst thing that has ever happened.
  15. I'd say YHF is the best starting point, simply because it's their best album.
  16. Well, Bubba Sparxx is no Jay Z. Hell, he's barely Paul Wall.
  17. My friend had a Warlock guitar. I thought it was cool in 7th grade.
  18. I wonder how many songs it will take him to say "Allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is hove"? I think it'll be on the 3rd track.
  19. I don't watch any movies that anyone has ever seen.
  20. With a healthy Liriano and Santana, you'll be in the hunt more than you are out of it. It's a judgement call, really, I'm just saying I saw the Marlins rush Josh Beckett and AJ Burnett back one too many times to think that it's ever worth the gamble.
  21. I want to see this, but I'm a big Zach Braff fan (scrubs being my favorite show and Garden State being one of my favorite movies).
  22. If Liriano is as seriously injured as some people think, then I think they should've waited until at least the playoffs. No need to mortgage your future like that. It was too big of a risk to take with a player who could have been one of the top 3 at his position for the next decade. They Mark Prior'ed him, basically.
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