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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. you and I seem to be alone in finding these discussions interesting, though whenever we discuss steroids we always do get a rare cryptique post in the MLB thread.
  2. The red sox suck and get too much time on espn. !
  3. This is probably gonna go the same route as the steroid discusions of the past, and I'm sure nobody wants to read that again.
  4. I don't think citing the comissioners office or hall of fame voters is a good point in your favor because those two entities have consistently shown themselves to be, at the very best, dumb, but I suppose that is beside the greater point. I was referring more to the museum part of the hall. When they talk about the 80's and 90's, it will be an absolute travesty if they try to ignore the impact of steroids. And when I bring up past douchebags in the hall, I'm just saying it seems unfair to set this precedent with cheaters now, especially when there is plenty of proof that steroids were bei
  5. So the argument isn't 'he knew the rules'? That was my only point. In all honesty, I think rose, bonds and anyone else who has 'tarnished' the game deserves to be recognized if they were a good enough player, especially since many other guys knowingly cheated, lied, and were generally shitty people and are in. It's not an implicit endorsement of their actions, but a recognition of their play. Either way, i think an important question is whether the HoF is going to deny the existence of the steroid era? I'd be very dissapointed if they pretend it didn't exist.
  6. Gaylord Perry knew the rules too. He's all up in the hall of fame. I just don't like the idea of denying one guy the hall of fame because the rule he broke is 'worse' than the ones countless others have broken throughout baseball's history.
  7. Well, he was just one guy, so I'm going to guess it was kind of a coincidence.
  8. Also, Pedro's a Phillie. Boo.
  9. I think almost every option is arbitrary. If there is a good team that plays in a terrible division in the NL West, say, they're record is going to be better than a great team in a good division. I mean, obviously, you deserve it for beating the teams you are supposed to, but still. I don't have a problem with it either way. It's dumb anyway they decide. We're just arguing different levels of dumb. It doesn't really make a difference that much anyways, but still.
  10. It's better than alternating it every year. Also upton's a pretty crap fielder. From what I've seen he just can't get a good read on the ball off the bat. At one point, the AL had Crawford, granderson, and Adam jones in the outfield. fastest outfield ever?
  11. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  12. by most defensive metrics, church is a better defensive player, and he's been a far better offensive player over the course of his career. Sure, he can't hit lefties, but he's a legit .825 ops bat against rhp. And Im pretty much convinced franceour is completely broken. I was never as high on him as some, and the reason is he just has a terrible approach at the plate. Maybe they can fix him, but I doubt it. He's overrated defensively, and his only real plus tool is his arm. He's lost the ability to hit for anything remotely resembling power or average, and wouldn't take a walk if his life de
  13. Smart moneys gotta be on pujols tonight, right?
  14. When I was 8, I threw a TIE Interceptor toy at my sister and made her cry.
  15. I played that game for N64, and I believe the screen shook on that version. I want to say it just said Star Wars.
  16. I am not cranky. Quite the opposite, I just laughed at that joke.
  17. this is correct. He's gotten better in recent years, but he's still not very good.
  18. I am not a giant wolf, lizard or monkey. And in fact, with all due respect to giant, radiation soaked monkeys, wolves and lizards, i must say in find the implication insulting.
  19. By the way, you should check those links. They appear to be broken, and no images are showing up.
  20. I am displaying no obvious signs of anger or distress, though I do apologize if my posts come off that way. Often it is difficult to tell how you come off to people, so I will try to ensure I do a better job.
  21. It was a bit where I tried to seem like I didn't get it, just as the previous post was a bit where I tried to make it seem as if I thought that good old neon not liking Sarah palin was breaking news. The intended humor in both is that both posts I was responding to were obvious in their intentions, but I reacted as if I did not understand them. See?
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