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Everything posted by HeavyMetalDrummist

  1. The neck of Jeff's main guitar is actually the midsection of an old Graphics bong (not the newer, cheaper Graffix bongs.) Also, the backdrop for their recent Schmilco tour was composed of ABV (Already Been Vaped) cannabis.
  2. At their Saturday night show at the Chicago Theater in February 2017, someone in the front row asked Tweedy what his shirt said. His reply: "...what does my shirt say? It says We're All In This Together. Except Trump. He's a dick."
  3. Just thought I'd say hey since I just signed up. So ... HEY. About a year ago, after some soul-searching and a little bit of angst, I finally conceded to my innermost self that Led Zeppelin was no longer my favorite band. It is now and has been for years now, Wilco. I may need an intervention. I don't know. For the past couple of years my driving music has consisted of listening to Wilco's complete discography in chronological order again and again and again. I've recently discovered the Yacht Rock station on Pandora and that seems to have helped a bit at work, but in the car it's all
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