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Everything posted by nadja

  1. This should get you there: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/wilcos-jeff-tweedy-and-son-on-new-lps-inspiration/
  2. For me, Max's character arc was that he went from being a completely self-absorbed, immature kid who thought his mother existed solely to comfort and protect and feed him, to finally recognizing her as a fellow human being who was also struggling and worrying and doing her best. It is the ultimate in character development - from being fixated on oneself to being concerned about another. In the beginning, like any kid, all Max cares about is himself - wanting his sister to pay attention to him (and not to her friends), to have his mother all to himself (with no boyfriend), to be fed exactly
  3. Sorry - I didn't mean silly in a disparaging way. More like fun and kind of wacky as opposed to some of his shows which are so intense they make you feel like you've been kicked in the chest and it takes you days to recover. And there were some very un-wacky moments like everyone singing along with Jesus etc, which sounded gorgeous. It was a great night.
  4. I hadn't heard any of the new songs before, so that was a real treat. Jeff's voice sounded amazing, maybe the best ever in the ten years I've been seeing his solo shows. I just wish we got to hear more of it. The banter was hilarious but it did start to get frustrating that people were spending so much time talking to him and shouting song requests when it was obvious this was going to be a short set. It was the first time I ever felt there might be a downside to Jeff's funniness and the sense of familiarity he creates at his solo shows. It doesn't have to be all intensity all the time, but
  5. Duh, sorry, apparently I can't read a seating chart. Thanks!
  6. It's confusing, though, because according to that chart the back row is 'A'. When I emailed the guy at Clearwater asking for a seating chart he replied that the tickets were "self-explanatory." I bought $75 tickets and got row A, so I have no clue if I'm in the back, the front or somewhere in the middle. I guess it doesn't really matter - I'm just so psyched he'll be in this neck of the woods.
  7. I was just going to say that - I always picture a guy with a mouthful of bees who wants to speak, maybe is trying to speak, but the sound of the bees buzzing doesn't let the listener hear what he's trying to say. The buzzing distorts his words, it's like static on a radio. And then there's the added feeling of danger, of these little creatures in his mouth that have a life of their own, that can sting. And that's something I get from so many other Wilco songs - the idea that words can hurt, that attempting to communicate is dangerous because when we don't understand each other, it causes pain.
  8. Thank you for posting this! My husband and I were at the park this day and it was one of our favorite shows of all time. It's wonderful to hear it again.
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