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Sir Stewart

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Everything posted by Sir Stewart

  1. I'm standing by the prospect of the Sox coughing up a 3-year deal for Tek.
  2. I don't see the point in comparing Cream and LZ. It's like comparing The White Stripes and The Racon - oh, wait. Bad example. But they're very different bands, to me.
  3. Million Dollar Baby was so awful it turned me off to anything Eastwood's done since. It doesn't sound like this one will change that.
  4. Sure - everyone's got their own convoluted way of saying 'race shouldn't be the #1 factor when it comes to voting.'
  5. Yes. I think you people are having a ridiculous conversation here.
  6. Good tune - it was covered here, too: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=37545
  7. The "if Obama was white" argument (even when used as devil's advocate) bugs me, and I hear it a lot. Bottom line, if Obama was white, he wouldn't be Obama. It's as ridiculous and absurd to me as saying "yeah, but tell me if that field of grass wasn't growing, you wouldn't cut it." Umm, OK.
  8. One of the most inspiring things in my life is the way Watt continues to honor the memory of D Boon.
  9. Man, he thinks the residency was in 2007 - I knew he was full of shit. I bet he thinks Chicago is in the 57th state, too. The real Obama shows himself!!
  10. I think 6 days is the standard wait - when Little Election Day comes.
  11. I've read a number of Vonnegut's books, but not this one.
  12. Once at a show at the Casbah in San Diego, Watt's drummer's pedal busted, and Watt asked if anyone in the crowd had a pedal. One guy spoke up, he said he lived down the street and could be back with one in ten minutes. Show stopped, Watt sat down and chatted with a bunch of us. Guy came back with the pedal, everyone cheered, show resumed. Punk!
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