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Everything posted by MeDave

  1. Most of us already know but if you don't Nels gets very in depth in taling about his thoughts on gear, amps, and pedals! pedals! pedals! on his website... http://www.nelscline.com/tech.html His whole site is worth checking out, but particularly the tech page and amp du jour page for a good breakdown on his thoughts on what he uses to color his sound. __________________________ older VC archive thread on pedals in general. Gets into jeff and nels... http://archive.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=4325&hl=
  2. i would love to see us have a forum added dedicated to gear type questions - there have always been lots of amp and pedal and guitar discussion threads but it can be hard to find them in the archives or to come upon them in the tabs section... it would be low traffic - more of a reference and resource section - threads on the band's set ups and methods, people could share a bit about what they do themselves, etc. it could be called something silly like: "We've got solid state technology, tapes on the floor" etc. etc. i'll take responsibility for getting it started as far as sparking
  3. Hey ol chum, here's a couple I know for sure - written by Richard Manuel and Bob Dylan from The Band's Music from Big Pink and
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