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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Funny I thought it was rick perry coming to town to set things right with his particular style and flair.
  2. A friend once crash landed his plane at night during rut. Apparently the local bullies did not like this new rival and went after the plane. My friend ended up dodging the moose for a while using the plane as cover until the bull decided to move on
  3. Throughout my life I have avoided the Dead because I heard them as a kid and they bored me. I'm 53 now and have recently decided to give them a shot. Heard the pyramids set and was pleasantly surprised. Next up is the Europe 72 set and if I like that I will try another. I'll be taking my time though , no need to rush these things.
  4. The other elephant in the room is our military/security/intelligence spending which is mare out to be political suicide to try and control.
  5. Of course defining what is radical all depends on your perspective. They believe their all or nothing position is perfectly reasonable
  6. KG the middle I am talking about is on the actual budget and funding of the government. Leave the radical agenda items at the door and discuss what needs to get done. Stopping ACA is a radical agenda item in my book. Not that I favor it ( I am more of a single payer person ) but after 46 attempts to get rid of it, maybe it is time to move on.
  7. It is a possibility, especially with an election coming up next year. Thing is with a R controlled house and D controlled senate and WH I would think all parties would meet in the middle somewhere. But what appears to be common sense is not even on the radar for this congress.
  8. If I thought the ACA were going to be a huge failure I would let it go through and use it's failure to crash the Democratic Party for a generation or more. They are obviously not worried it will fail. Also thee are many more issues tied to the process than just the ACA, all of them involve the president taking a firm conservative stance on the issues for a short term deal only to face the exact situation when the next budget battle begins. Short answer is republicans want long term concessions on multiple issues in exchange for a short term deal. Long term for short term is never a good ide
  9. No but that is how they have to play it to their voter .
  10. It's just common sense but from the article you can see where the NRA stands. Shortly I expect some vigorous posting about personal responsibility and how laws infringe on the rights of responsible law abiding gin owners etc...
  11. I'm just forwarding the news. Apparently the exchanges in TX have more insurers competing hence the lower prices. Additionally I think Austin will have lower rated due to the mix of insurers covering that area. Last year is irrelevant since the exchanges don't open for business till October. I work at a top 50 company and my rates have not gone up for two years, but had gone up every year since I started here. I'll just go on the assumption that this is the first increase you've seen...ever ? By the way this stuff is all over the news today, well almost all the news.
  12. Unfortunately for Ted it looks like Texas is going to be seeing huge benefits from ACA through some of the lowest premiums in the country. If he is against it on principle then fine , but if he is arguing all the other BS then by this time next year he will have benn proven to be full of shite ...if the projections are accurate.
  13. She want people to know that she is still opposed to Obama in any form and that she has learned some new big girl words. Seriously though her rhetoric implies crimes but there are none . If republicans seriously wanted Obama impeached they probably could have gotten it done if the focused on the killing of US citizens without due process and probably would have had some Democrat support . But they never went down that road. That makes me think that they really don't care about the rights of those bring targeted , they want the presidents office to maintain that power or both. Also Obama ha
  14. You may not have made that comparison but it has been made over and over. I'm basic when we were issued our weapons pep lie bitched about the glorified .22's we were receiving. Vets I knew bitched about the stopping power of the m-16 vs the ak. I've heard it for years and quite frankly am shocked that a person who is an enthusiast has not heard it. Beyond that there is the implied equivalence when the .223 is compared to the .22. It's like comparing tornados to hurricanes after the swirling winds the comparison fails miserably. Enough of that though this topic grows tiresome. How about let
  15. I will still disagree on the .223/.22 comparison. The unstated intent of the argument is to make those weapons appear as equivalents, when in fact they are anything but equivalent. That argument was formatted by people outside this conversation so I guess it'd pointless. Do the laws not work? Proof other than the shootings? Is the proof that criminals and mentally I'll still get firearms? Where do they get them? I would say that statistically 100% of all firearms start out day one as legal. How do they make it into the wrong hands? And how to stop it? Arming everyone else is not the answer
  16. No my .22 was bolt action, my father in laws was bolt action, regardless there is no comparison between a military grade weapon and a weapon that fires .22 longs no comparison on any level. The argument has been crafted over the years to force a false equivalency between a .22 round and a .223 round because of the size. One is far more deadly. Bringing hunting rifles into the conversation? Gee think a 30-30 is more lethal than a .223? Think my 7.62 is more lethal? No kidding. But that was not the conversation was it? I enjoy shooting I really do. I can go out and be shooting within 10 min
  17. Semantics you, and I can unload a 30 round magazine in seconds grandpas .22 was more likely bolt action and actually fired .22 longs . .22 long is a lethal round if it hits a vital and less lethal if not. The 5.56mm or .223 has a much higher muzzle velocity and the lead is unbalanced so it spins with a slight wobble. The velocity causes huge damage due to cavitation while the wobble can cause the round to go in almost any direction. True story...I was zeroing a night scope using tracers and a round hit the paper target and shot upwards at probably a 45 degree angle, it's what the round was des
  18. It's all well and good to be disgusted by those politicizing this and for pushing their agendas before the blood is even dry but only as long as you condemn everybody doing so fronted Nugent to Alex jones and the whole Fox News network. As well as your usual go to condemnations. By the way when did the phrase "so called assault weapon" become what it is today? When I was in the service the m-16 was called by the military an assault rifle. Sure the ar-15 and variants are semi auto but that is semantics they are for all intents and purposes the same weapon. Also from reports I have read h
  19. That's not always obvious as there are many who still believe that Iraq hindered our attempts to disarm them in 2002 forcing us to invade and destroy the country in 2003. Turns out that we did get it all back in the 90's.
  20. Just curious is this referring to the 90's when we were inspecting and destroying his weapons? or are you referring to the 2002 and later activity where we found that all the weapons actually had been destroyed?
  21. Help me out here but didn't Bush run on a position of not being the worlds policeman back in 2000. Also isn't the common position of screw what the rest if the world thinks we do it our way. Or does that only apply in some situations.
  22. so my scenario was the dad standing his ground because he was feeling threatened, so disarming him and standing your ground is not applicable, it is theft. I'm 100% done with this topic. BTW i am not some anti gun zealot, I own multiple firearms and use them safely for hunting and target shooting. I have access to over 100 weapons with mine and my brothers collections. So I am coming from a viewpoint of enjoying shooting and think that this guy is an absolutely irresponsible tool.
  23. I am not a huge fan of the law but it is obvious that they fear the law coming into full force and people liking it and seeing that the end of the world has not happened so they want to push it out past the next election cycle at the minimum.
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