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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Ok so I've gone through most of the stuff I acquired and generally like it, like not love. I think the Europe 72 stuff seems like the best sound quality and best performances. The only drawbacks are the marathon songs like the other one and dark star, way too long for me. But overall I was intrigued enough to get more so I ordered Dave #8. I feel a little bad getting it over a dedicated dead fan but am going to keep it.
  2. David duke, though I would say the tea party is worse for the simple reason that they have tremendous influence while duke had none.
  3. Fixed it. Lincoln no longer gets a holiday now it's Presidents' Day. Perhaps we can have a new holiday called explorers day honoring everyone from Leif Erickson to Lewis and Clark?
  4. To be honest this year this is the only place I have contact with that Columbus has been brought up. Was he a homicidal maniac? Not even close. Did he help open the door for others to follow to impose their will on this hemisphere? Absolutely. Would the same things have happened had Columbus never existed? With out a doubt yes. In fact the only difference in iur lives today would be place names and the name of the day off.
  5. columbus is who he was and there is nothing i can do about that. Anyhow I lost interest in Columbus Day once I went to work and stopped getting the day off oh about 32 years ago.
  6. John boy Walton was always a good kid who worked hard for what little he got , so no need to bring him into this .
  7. I beg to differ. I work for a large company and we have a software platform that we have invested millions in and almost 15 years and right now it is still not running. Google SAP horror stories for companies who spend huge amounts of capital and time only to fail or launch a shoddy product. K-Mart had their company on the brink of failure over inability to launch their inventory system. And remember the private sector supposedly always does it better. So there is no way you can say that 3+ years is plenty of time to get a system running error free. Also there is an assumption that building
  8. Chuckle because chiropractors are not doctors?
  9. Regardless of how you feel about doctors and the various components if the medical profession, there is no denying that the costs to access medical care in the US have far and away outpaced inflation. So there is a ton of money being made there.
  10. I'm no fan of big pharma but they are entitled to make a profit. And when I was getting my MBA we studied one of them Siemens I think. Any how they had developed a drug that was for treating some disease in the sub-Sahara tropics. They knew that they could never sell the drug because the people who neededit were so poor as were the countries they lived in so they gave the drug away for free. It was expensive but the right thing to do. So they are not always heartless bastards.
  11. So just like today where so many are uninsured and can't pay?
  12. The New Yorker ran a great article on medicine in our country. It was a couple of years ago and they compared McAllen TX to Mayo. Mc Allen has the highest per patient costs in the country and it bold down to doctors viewing the patients as profit centers. Meanwhile at mayo the patients are viewed as medical problems to solve. Mayo is much less expensive and has a better success rate than McAllen. It was June 2009 there was a ton more in the article but it was pretty riveting. One of the first question the guy asks is why does it cost so much in McAllen. The doctors instinctive answer was
  13. My father worked of a large oil company and my mom at a hospital so we we always covered with good insurance the kind that companies don't have any more. So despite being from a small catholic family, only 5 kids, medical hills and health insurance was never an issue.
  14. The Most common cause of personal bankruptcy In our country is not over extended credit, student loans etc... Nope it's for medical bills. We generally can't control when we get sick or injured or where, but illness or injury should not bankrupt you. I can't ever once remember hearing my p 's talking about how to pay the medical bills , not once. I'm the past year alone my family has had two instances of medical emergencies that even with good insurance have cost us several thousand. Out of pocket for copayment and deductibles. And I have much better insurance than most. I can't imagine
  15. You may not have meant to imply that but the implication that there are not going to be enough doctors to go around has been made using the same argument. Boil that argument down and it's not too difficult to come up with the notion that "I got mine now don't interfere with me"
  16. Really where are those doctors who quit because of the ACA going to make a living? It's just not going to happen.
  17. By Directly correlating the number of current patients being served by the current number of doctors as being adequate and the ACA adding more patients to the waiting lines while the number of doctors seems to remain static or not keep pace with the number of patients. It's implied in your statement. Actually the number of patients does not change, what changes is the number of patients who can pay and who will seek out care. You want to lower medical costs in this country? Get more preventative care going. It cost far more to treat an illness than to prevent it.
  18. Red tape? From processing more insurance from patients? I can see that in a way but I think the deal is more ideological, but that's just a guess on my part. Though the ideological angle escapes me since it is a conservative plan, heck Paul Ryan even gave a largely ignored interview a few months ago where he said the republicans wrote large parts of the law. I wonder where pharmacists, physical therapists, nurse practitioners etc ... Stand on it. And once again I gave to say that if the law is hiking to be a huge disaster then republicans should let it go as it will ensure them control of
  19. Could someone articulate why doctors are against the ACA . From a practical standpoint it's an insurance law that should increase the pool of patients who would have the ability to pay. As noted above some May opt out and pay the penalty which results I'm maintaining the status-quo. I understand opposition from an ideological viewpoint but economically one would think doctors would favor the law.
  20. My ears are out of tune so I don't hear thing like that. I already have all of the above and working through it now. Why no pigpen on the Sunshine Daydream? I thought he was still with them at this point, I apparently was mistaken.
  21. HMO's are primarily profit oriented, not care oriented. When I hear palin whining about death panels all I hear is her describing insurance co/HMO decision making processes in action, and that has been occurring for far longer than the ACA has been around and it's primarily profit driven. So judging by this statement doctors and other medical professionals are in it for money mainly? Not for any desire to help or curiosity about how we work? And if for some reason the profits dry up there will be less people going into medicine? I wonder why people go into teaching? Social work? Religious
  22. The list of shutdowns is pretty illuminating, but it seems like they are generally budget issues and not once did one party agree to pass a budget in exchange for tanking an already passed law. I too am a fiscal conservative however I differ from almost all other fiscal conservatives in that I am not against having the military/ security budget examined from top to bottom, however that is political suicide in today's environment. Also if the cost of the ACA is staggering then why do republicans include savings from it in their budgets? Something does not make sense. The true staggering cost
  23. no i am asking for a time where democrats held the budget hostage in order to get an already passed law nullified. Heck I'll even take an instance of the democrats not passing a budget to gain political advantage and shut down the government. i'm just not familiar with anything in my lifetime.
  24. You say the democrats would do it if the shoe was on the other foot , well it has been at different times in history so maybe a historical example would help illustrate your point. I honestly can't think of a real example and I can't think of a situation where they would pull the same move. Of course we can only speculate about the future that's why a historical example or two would be beneficial.
  25. Here is where I am starting if I like it enough I will dive deeper: Egypt Europe 72 vol I & II Normal IL 1978 - a few month before I started school there And Sunshine daydream 1972 It's all 70's so if it works ill branch out
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