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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. One is a sexual encounter outside of his marriage, the other is abusing his office for political retribution (Nixonian?). I'm going to guess the answer is...irrelevant because neither has anything to do with the other and the question is a mere diversion. Though Clinton was put through the ringer, I am going to guess that the present situation will quiet down and fade away.
  2. Flame throwing , tossing bullshit out with no evidence, bringing focus on something that does not exist. If none of this makes sense then I have nothing left to say. Oh wait I'll bet it was dirty dick starting shit against a perceived moderate (he's not) as revenge for moderate republicans handling of his daughter. That's got to be it. I have no proof I'm just offering it as a possibility.nothing wrong with that, is there?
  3. But you threw it out in a total bs manner. He was merely theorizing how this impossible bs theory could even be plausible. The democrats including Hilary had nothing to do with this, and a half assed attempt at balance simply helps to illustrate the absurd lengths people will go to in an attempt to attain balance.
  4. It seems obvious by the email steam what happened, but what would make these guys think they could pull a stunt like this? Firing the trigger men won't answer the question.
  5. Doesn't Ani DiFranco handle almost every aspect of her music? Publishing, producing, managing, marketing etc... And the result is that she makes tons more cash than artists who have similar sales, recording and live activity? I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere other than the interwebs.
  6. I always hear this during cold snaps but never hear "you know there might be something to this global warming" when temps are over 100 for 2 weeks straight.
  7. -13 here, but not as much of a problem as the drifts that have to be shoveled out before I can move a car out. Shovel, freeze, rest and warm, repeat
  8. I try to get through a couple classics every year in addition to my contemporary reading. Loved Crime and Punishment and decided to take a deeper dive. So far I'm about half way through and am still not certain what is going on.
  9. That would be one congress with positive approval ratings.
  10. Going for the classics and have Dostoyevsky's The Idiot going right now. Brothers K to follow
  11. I say post blood and chocolate. This reminds me of an article I read years ago. The premise was that when we look at an Elvis Costello or a bob Dylan record... Do we judge them against what is being put out at the time? Or do we primarily judge them against their back catalog? I tend to think both but we weigh the back catalog more heavily in the equation than we might weigh their performance against peers.
  12. That's correct. If they actively participated though there would have been negative political fallout because it worked and they said it wouldn't. Whereas if they don't participate and it behaves as it is doing the pols can say see we told you so. They make no secrets about wanting it to fail.
  13. We are SOL when they get sick because we end up paying for whatever care they get through higher costs and premiums, which is the way it always has been. Sounds like the traditional free market approach is more socialism than not.
  14. I will add the New York Dolls and the Velvet Underground to this Big Star conversation. The Dolls I've heard almost nothing that even appeals to me, sound, lyrics image etc... The VU get a little more attention from me, but they really don't hold my attention very much. It's probably why Lou Reeds death mention very little to me. Now that's blasphemy.
  15. Shouldn't this be in the musical blasphemy thread? Also Alice Cooper >>>>>KISS
  16. I've seen KISS three times now. I'm not a fan but went once just to say I did it and two more times for friends. I am one of those people who is not a fan, not because they are cheese rock but because they seem to only exist as a marketing vehicle for all the sh*t Gene dreams up to sell. His attitude about money and success turns my stomach. I'm not against any band making money, even KISS, but I tend not to like them when that is all they are about. Those three shows I saw over a six or seven year period were pretty close to identical.
  17. Most people think that welfare cheating was the sum of her existence, but she did so much more and far more heinous things in her life. She was seemingly always looking to fleece whomever she encountered and was always looking for the next victim. Welfare cheating was the least of it, but that's what got people's attention and she was used to paint all welfare recipients with the same brush strokes . Amazingly guys like Bernie Madoff are bad apples and never used as examples of a whole class, yet they probably touch more lives for more $$ over time.
  18. Not to change the subject, but Skate has a pretty good article about THE Welfare Queen brought up by the Reagan campaigns. It's really quite illuminating and she is not quite who she was portrayed to be...she was much worse, sort of a gypsy type of swindler. It really is worth the read.
  19. I love the Replacements. I accept that there are some people who don't care for them or don't get them. I don't understand it, but I accept it.
  20. Since I already have most of those on he list I think I would like to add omniscience to my repertoire.
  21. According to RS Gene would perform with Peter and Ace at the ceremony. But he sounded like an ass while saying that.
  22. Coming soon a whole new line of KISS HOF merchandise.
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