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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Just read that they booked a studio this may. Rumors abound
  2. If I knew how to do links with my phone I would link to this but the Sydney Morning Herald is reporting that AC/DC is done. Reason is that possibly Malcom has a terminal illness. Hopefully these are just rumors, is hate for them to have to stop for that reason. They have not been relevant for years but their best music was always a load of fun to listen to.
  3. I always go to the same bands Replacements X Husker Du Buzzcocks Los Lobos
  4. Is Trujillo a member of Metallica? Or a hired hand? I think maybe that might have something to do with it. Also no Pat Smear or any if the others for Nirvana, Stu Sutcliff, Pete Best, john Rutsey? Those other guys in the Clash? Lots of bands only have their classic lineups in, so Paul Stanley should STFU.
  5. How about messed up in that he had the brass ring in hand and since has done so much to lose it all.
  6. I read that, Vinnie sounds like a hot mess.
  7. Piper is the one I listen to the least...by a wide margin. Probably been at least three years since I listened. I guess using option one from the Sophie's choice thread would give me some time to have it grow on me. So there is always that possibility.
  8. The small faces fame and legend out strip reality by a wide margin. They are not very listenable. Piper at the Gates of Dawn is just so so
  9. #1 go with the known knowns over the unknown unknowns. I've listened to a crap ton of music and could keep the old fresh sounding by careful rationing, rotating and mixing it up frequently.
  10. What about Brandy? Star? Natalia the hot barely legal girl?
  11. I didn't care for them back then. I appreciate classic KISS today though. Can't stand gene though.
  12. Keith Richards and Ronnie Woods daughters came out and sang with warm up act Johnny Lang. Not too weird but it's something.
  13. Well when I read the original proposition I assume that he is talking about people ignoring the cold hard facts in front of them and instead relying on political opinion. Is there any arguments from the right that are based on fairly solid proven evidence that the left denies? The al gore thing would fall under hypocrisy more than under this topic. His use of the word brazen does not make his claim fit the topic.
  14. And that is a brazen attempt to change the topic
  15. The Stones had a circus act on stage between Journey's set and their set at Soldiers Field in 78. Very strange
  16. It was fairly warm but not unbearable. The tent with X Shane, Ricard Thompson etc... Did get a bit warm when it filled up. Wilco & Billy Bragg did a meet and greet/Mermaid autograph session. Wilco was late so BB walked up and down the line signing and visiting. Seemed like a real nice guy.
  17. I was at that Guiness show. Ended up squished against the fence right in front of John Doe and stayed through Shane McGowan. Large show? Pink Floyd at Soldiers field. Small? Maybe the Judybats at the metro.
  18. I've had him on my radar for years. I figure it's as good a time as any to get going. I made an aborted stab at Ulysses a few years ago and was told that the Dubliners was an easier entry point. So here I go...
  19. BBC has a program called Broadchurch where they solve a mystery one season then move on to a new mystery next season. It's not nearly as dark or well acted though.
  20. James Joyce The Dubliners and Portrait.
  21. I think the title was Give Ireland Back to the Irish. Back for the short time that was out it had a huge impact. Have not heard it in 40 years. I wonder if. Was as good as my memory said it was.
  22. I wonder if the new movie coming out will get it right and have Dino's.
  23. I'm on Willin right now. BF Torres is a rather bland writer.
  24. If this is indeed fact, wouldn't it be wise to work on finding out why and correcting that? The common answer in our country is no.
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