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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I have not lived up there for 20 years but didn't Highwood used to have a bunch of small restaraunts? Very small places with ten tables? Or am I thinking of somewhere else? Also good luck to him, that's a tough business,
  2. Maybe put "brain surgeon" in quotation marks, same as "genius" "rocket scientist" etc...
  3. This is the sort of thing he could have counseled his son on privately. It didn't have to be public.
  4. And he solved the mysteries of the pyramids.
  5. Interesting awkward and 12 years too late
  6. GHW Bush just shot Cheney and Rumsfeld in the face...metaphorically speaking.
  7. Not a huge fan of Evil Urges either, but the songs for Circuital come off really well live. So I wouldn't write them off quite yet.
  8. That is still way more than I ever would have guessed would happen. In the past I think Mould would have done anything in his power to cut off or gut HD revenue streams just to screw over Hart. This is a big first step.
  9. Whoops Husker Du, I hate auto correct
  10. Is hell freezing over? Just saw a Facebook post where it mentions that HD are starting their first official web site and Greg Norton says that the three of them are talking. I doubt anything comes of this, but if they did reunite...holy shite. Apparently the Minneapolis Star has more details. Sorry I don't know how to link on my phone otherwise I would.
  11. There's always something objectionable regardless of who makes the decisions
  12. I got detoured a little bit. But I did buy a couple and so far I prefer his stuff with interesting/fun lyrics, like Apostrophe, and good guitar work. Can't do that on stage #2 was harder to digest because it veered further into the unconventional than I was ready to go.
  13. Once a new speaker is elected the First order of business...Benghazi hearings and a vote to repeal ACA.
  14. If the past is an indicator of the future we will be seeing lots more even after he leaves this world...Cash, Hendrix, Elvis...
  15. Would be nice, but the last time the first rumors and press was about Blood on the Tracks being a subject of the Bootleg series, then Basement Tapes came out. I loved the basement tapes, but was psyched to have BOTT. So i'll believe this when it happens. Ignore this as the next bootleg set is official and not just a rumor.
  16. Ryan does 1989 fairly well in his particular fashion.
  17. Apparently he passed away yesterday. REO was not on my radar, but their music was omnipresent in my life during the mid - late 70's and early 80's.
  18. http://www.spin.com/2015/09/the-faces-reunite-rod-stewart-ronnie-wood-first-time-watch/?utm_source=spinfacebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=spinfacebook I guess they did reuinte...
  19. In my car it's a mix of cd's iPod and occasional sports talk radio. It all depends on the mood of the moment. At work I ised to bring in a different mix of cd's each day and listen on low volume. CD player recently broke so I'm going off my iPod (80gb) right now. So I'm Pretty much limited to what's on there. Occasionally I'll do Pandora.
  20. I work on income taxes for a fortune 20 company. Yawn... But I also have a degree in geology that has been laying dormant for 30+ years just waiting for the right opportunity to be used.
  21. Agreed, I dont know if there are enough good songs between the two of these to make one good album.
  22. I agree some of the songs are among my favorite RH songs. There there and 2+2=5 are great. There is some filler there, and while it's not in the Bends or OK Computer range I do find it easier to listen to than the last couple of albums.
  23. It's not like the bush administration and their minions ever blamed anything on Clinton. Nope. It comes down to pinning the policy and results of the policy to the administration that advocated that policy.
  24. Should be easy right? Except when you note an album you hate that might be the next guys favorite... I'll need to think on this.
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