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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I have a good life with a good job, good kids and wife, nice home, I really want for nothing except proximity to mountains. So I am thankful for all of the above and wish everyone a healthy happy thanksgiving and beyond.
  2. I'm guessing that the great set list, the promise to play every song over the next few nights and the request for no taping at the Becon probably means that these shows will be recorded for either a new live album, or to be released as download shows.
  3. Proves my point that the second half is all that matters any more.
  4. Only the second half of the second amendment is important anymore, that part about a well regulated militia is pretty much lost to the dustbins of history. Heck the NRA only has the second half on the wall in the lobby of heir building.
  5. I looked at PIL in the tin can many times. Should I buy it or not? In the long run I passed on it. Big record buying mistake.
  6. And...the video does not support the story the police put out at the time of the shooting. Wonder how often this happens?
  7. We would occasionally shoot arrows straight up to see if we could visually track them. Once I lost track because of the sun and balled up under a pine tree thinking that if it came down there the many branches would deflect/slow down or stop it before it got to me...they didn't. It passed through the tree cleanly and burrowed into the ground less than three feet behind me. We retired that game immediately.
  8. Record corporate profits have proven Reaganomics to be a fallacy. While it's true that a rising tide might float all boats, not everyone has a boat or even a seat in one. A company like mine has seen record profits with huge dividends being paid out to shareholders. One way we increase profit is to limit raises to COL essentially. Another way is to squeeze suppliers, who in turn have less to spend and give out in raises etc... Anymore when people ask me what my company does I just tell you hem that we work our stock price. Very little is heard about markets, new products etc... It's all shar
  9. I find it interesting that you use the word "fans" to describe Trumps supporters. He used the word recently too. In politics the word supporters is, or has been the norm. I think calling his supporters fans says a lot about this process these days. I see Trimp, Carson and Huck as having fans while the other guys have supporters. It might just be me and how I view it though.
  10. My comment was saterical but it reminded me of something. About 10 years ago or so a friend of mine's girlfriend was working on a PH.D. In psychology I think, anyhow...she did a study on Muslim students and how they assimilated to the university in the wake of 911 and Iraq. She found that Muslim students who sought out other Muslims for support and wore traditional clothing, maintained their habits etc... Did better in school were happier and more contented than Muslim students who tried to fit in with western students. It wasn't published yet before they moved and lost touch, so I don't know
  11. I had never seen any of these before now. Got the set and watched them all. When watching them one after the other it is interesting that all of the films are shot using the same blue print, but the outlooks of the people in each us so different, part III especially. Those kids all seem to have horrible pasts and no futures, they only have now. Regardless, these were all good for me to watch.
  12. I think he plays to the baser instincts in people and says what will get them frothy and enraged. Right now I think he can insult or demean pretty much anyone who is not white and born in this country, beyond that I don't know who. Individually if he said something that goes against the Reagan myth maybe? Edit: If he insulted gun owners, that might do it.
  13. I don't think you would be embarrassed, the rank and file seem to be fine with these statements. I'm not referring to you personally, I'm referring to the majority of the R's. Of the R's I know personally al seem fine with this stuff. Maybe a good idea to identify Musilms would be to have them all wear some sort of badge, like maybe a yellow crescent moon badge or maybe tattoo or something.
  14. Nut job with followers who religiously believe every word out of his mouth.
  15. Every act has a rationale at the time, for instance Charles Manson & co felt that they had a reasonable rationale, turns out they were wrong. Whether we agree with that rationale or if the rationale is based in reality is another matter completely. Bingo.
  16. Interesting. I got it when it came out, listened to it once and got rid of it. Maybe I need to try it again.
  17. This has a whole bunch of macho fantasy... http://journal.ijreview.com/2015/11/250238-what-defeating-isis-would-look-like/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=floating-sidebar&utm_campaign=Sharing Some rebuttal... http://nomoremister.blogspot.com/2015/11/kurt-schlichter-fights-real-enemy-hint.html What is wrong with these people?
  18. The video I saw showed that when the police peeked around the corner of the building they were sprayed with automatic fire. It looked like the police were armed with pistols and shot guns, not a favorable match up. I would bet that they were occupying the shooters attention till properly equipped help arrived. And from what I could see from google earth and video of the scene, there is very little cover or concealment on the main road. And we don't know what was going on around other corners etc... As to rushing the gunmen...at least one survivor said that one would shoot and the other playe
  19. Today I made a playlist with 31 different versions of War Pigs and am listening to it at work.
  20. Blood on the Tracks was supposed to be before Basement Tapes, or at least there was a story about that a while back.
  21. At this mornings exchange rate that's $704US Dollars.
  22. And of course Dr Carsons lies were made 20yrs ago as a private citizen to...? Sell books because the truth is just bleh? So he wasn't a politician at the time, but he was a liar/rmbelisher all his life.
  23. As a doctor I know he had to take at least one biology class, and while he does not have to agree with the scientifically accepted evolution, he should have at least understood the basics. Because of this I have a lot of trouble with his recent comments about not believing that people are descended from apes, they are not. This is the lazy intellectuals argument to sway the incurious. Evolution has the premise that apes and humans have a common ancestor way back in the past. He knows better.
  24. That's too bad they are going away. It was always nice to head that way for dinner. But as hard as that business is I would imagine it's even harder for small players like that.
  25. Him chewing out CNN for investigating his past while his campaign is issuing a statement downgrading the West Point story to fantasy status is such delicious irony.
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