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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I believe this is Oscar Mayer III. He was the grandson of the original Oskar Mayer.
  2. Obviously you do care enough to try and make me look like a tool by ripping into my comments. I watched her pathetic speech and heard what I heard. But you care enough to call me out and tell me i'm wrong on something you did not see or hear. According to polling it was her romeny and a third I can't remember maybe huckabee all around 20% each. Edit: According to USA Today it is now 7 out of 10 republicans who want her while independents and democrats are staying away in droves.
  3. I fully well know that Seward was a member of Lincoln's cabinet, in fact he was one of the targets on assasination night but that in no way changes the fact that it was under the Johnson administration that the purchase of Alaska "Sewards folly" occurred. I would suggest listening to how Ms Palin phrases herself in her going away speach. She is either a) going for the cheap emotional tie to that old republican standby "lincoln" or purposely avoiding mentioning Johnson's name because she did not know him or was trying to avoid mentioning the name of a democrat. Her Speech and her delivery w
  4. I got to listen to people plannning on their July 5th Tea party and discussing who among their friends was a patriot and who was not as well as who was on board with Glen Beck. I didn't have the heart to tell them that even Glen Beck says that we should not want him leading us.
  5. That site is great. I use it all the time. It links over to similar sites for Basketball and football, but they are not nearly as good.
  6. I know many people who are disciples of his. My brother in law left his Rush discipleship behind because Beck makes more sense to him. With the whole Palin thing I find it interesting that within a couple of days of each other two people who are highly thought of by their followers got some Alaska history dead wrong. Beck on his show talked about how the US bought Alaska in the 1950's specifically for the natural resources. And Palin in her resignation ramble said it was Seward, a member of Lincolns cabinet who pushed for the purchase of Alaska. While Palin was closer, as Seward had be
  7. For me Being There since day one has been my favorite Wilco album, it is just more of the type of music I like than most of the others. Summerteeth is way down on the list for me, too much going on up front with the record. On that level I tend to be out of alignment with many Wilco fans, and it really does seem to be the one I listen to the least. I still take YHF as my second. I’ll get back to you in a few months on where the new one fits in for me.
  8. I like it. I vaugely reminds me of Shaft and 1970's soul/funk type stuff.
  9. I wonder if this is for a specific niche market...people who drive 1970's era cars who don't want anything other than original or original-type gear in their cars.
  10. The post has said that this practice will not happen and that the memo went out from a business unit and had not been properly vetted. Regardless of it occuring or not it makes me wonder about the press as a whole and are they for sale? Or is this a nnew novel idea thought up a the post soemtime this last week? Somehow I think this practice is far more prevelant than we would like.
  11. The Tribune has photo's from last night, including a couple of "The Claw" http://www.chicagotribune.com/
  12. Depending on how old yoru kids are, you can also drive down the road an hour or so to Mammoth Cave and take a tour. It is very very cool.
  13. The Louisville Slugger Bat Factory is kind of cool and the Childrens Museum (or something like a childrens museum)is right across the street from it.
  14. Don't let the RIAA find out, this sounds like file sharing on a small scale.
  15. You fake your death in foreign countries, not at a major hospital in LA.
  16. Conspiracy theorists abound these days. The ability to continually see the second gunman on the grassy knoll astounds me.
  17. Pawlenty can also withhold his signing if Coleman appeals. He woudl quickly make up a reason for doing so. Of course with a unanimous decision today it would be difficult for Pawlenty to not sign and for Coleman to appeal once again. I can easily imagine the national party getting more involved and taking it over 100% from Coleman and making the appeal on his behalf (they have beeen running and financing it pretty much, but I can see them taking it lock stock and barrell now). Cornyn said they would do everything possible to keep Franken from being seated. So far they have. Senators ar
  18. Article titled “A brief history of derivatives” http://husky1.stmarys.ca/~gye/derivativeshistory.pdf “Gambling on Derivatives” http://projects.exeter.ac.uk/RDavies/arian/scandals/derivatives.html Still looking for information on the FED inventing and pushing derivatives to the market place.
  19. Bingo! I've thought this for years of Jackson and Madonna. Any new music they put out I have viewed as a means to get themselves out in the public eye more than an actual artistic statement. I would just about put Bono in this category too, but people might not appreciate that.
  20. My son was watching some Jackson coverage yesterday and said that Jackson reminded him of WIlly Wonka, but not in a good way. He was of course referrring to the re-make.
  21. My only reaction to Jackson dying is shock. I always pitied him for his lifestyle and his “unusual character” and was never 100% positive how much of his unusual character was actually him and how much was a creation, though over the last 20 years I think regardless of how his weirdness came about, The Michael we saw was who he was 24-7. I was never a fan of his music, nor did I rush to the dial to turn it off. He was just always there throughout my conscious life, much like the Beatles. Though I was and still ma a huge fan of the Beatles. As to the child molestation, I do agree that the
  22. The Nixon tapes never fail to entertain.
  23. This is a fun and interesting movie. I really liked the scene where Robert is cruising around and sees a sign or a phrase and say's right there, that's a song title. It really showed me why he is so prolific. I Also liked the scene when they are discussing the handmade album covers. A real DIY effort of a band.
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