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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. 2 or 3 ideological justices and the remainder being centrists would be perfect for me. I have seen Souter as more of a centrist over the years, though some on the right would vehemently disagree with that opinion.
  2. He was unconcious last night. I thought there was no way he should have shot that shot from the corner and he drained it like he was shooting practice shots. I don't generally watch the NBA much but this series has been very entertaining. Noah has been playing the best ball of his career but I still say the Jury is out on his being a solid player. I think his defense is improving, but his offensive game is so unpolished and herky jerky that at this point I see him being a journeyman player good enough to start for some teams but never good enough to be one of "those guys" who teams
  3. you people as in you people who do not like Obama.
  4. I thought you people had been buying your weaponry since the election? A little behind on your shopping schedule?
  5. Apparently it is part of the plan. No swine flu will pass though this computer via PM'ing!
  6. You do know that there is a difference in getting it from a pig or from pork right? Pork, the meat, processed etc... you can not catch swine flu from, at least not according to the way my world works. Pigs/swine if you will, apparently you can catch it from the live animals.
  7. If you are plannign this then this might help... What are the symptoms of swine flu in humans? The symptoms of swine flu in people are expected to be similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza and include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. Some people with swine flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  8. So are the democrats with their near super majority trying to move planet earth into the alpha centauri system? Sheesh, howmuch will that cost?
  9. I knew this and mos people who have followed the Specter saga for the past couple years know this also. You people and your science. Bah.
  10. The last sexual harrasment seminar we had included a bit on same sex sexual harrasment. We had a guy who talked non-stop about his exploits and who was next etc... this guy loved to brag so much that once on a trip he offerred to show me his unit that he loved talking about. I respectfully declined. What a freak he was.
  11. Ok I still don't get how this... Should lead to this.... Because of this... Wouldn't the April 15ht statement on its own have sufficed? Why the April 15th statement leads to the democratic party being the hypocites still eludes me also. I'm a little slow ont he up keep. Too much liberal secondary education I guess.
  12. Wouldn't myspace or facebook then be the official band site if that is their only web pressence?
  13. Steven King or Geraldo? Anyhow the press and the government are in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. If they keep reporting and reacting to the situation as they are and it fizzles then they get hammered for overreacting. Yet if they do minimal or no reporting and minimal or no CDC type work and the flu explodes they would get hammered for not notifying and safeguarding the public. What is showing the Press seriousness about covering this story is that Brittney Spears ex crashed his car the other day and that story did not make a dent in the flu coverage. The best flu
  14. Any mention yet of the Dead Kennedy's?
  15. This ruling does not surprise me at all. The vote was pretty much as I expected it to be. My problem with the FCC is how they wanted to fine every local affiliate whenever something "offensive" occurred. Seems to me like the Louisville affiliate of NBC has no control over what national broadcasts and should not be punished. IO read once, and I wish I knew if this was true or not, that after the Janet Jackson thing that the FCC got something like 4 or 5 complaints, that
  16. You are aware that scientists have proven the magic bullet theory? The problem with the way it had been traditionally explained had Connelly and Kennedy sitting perfectly in front and behind each other at the same level when in fact they were not as Kennedy was slightly higher and Connelly had turned and leaned slightly. The other problem was not knowing the nature of Connelly
  17. He didn't say which ship? Titanic? the research ship? The rescue Ship? So go see it, everyone should see it at least once.
  18. The people I know who are R's truely do believe that they are the mainstream middle of the country. This in spite of what I view as being a very radically right point of view.
  19. It is the lowest common denominator approach. Play what will appeal to the most people. It works it always has and always will. Titanic is a well made movie it looks beautiful on the big screen but it is a basic story line that anyone here could have written, and by the end of it I could have cared less if Jack died or not.
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